Reviews for Skyrim: Master of Assassins
Guest chapter 94 . 7/14
Una magnífica historia gracias por escribirla .
Guest chapter 82 . 7/7
Te agradezco por escribir esta maravillosa historia .después de leer 82 capítulos me disculpo por no agradecerte por escribirla . Historia diferente interesante y muy fresca.
TheOneThatSeesGNS chapter 94 . 6/2
I’m sad the story is over, but I loved how it ended! Amazing work, as always with all the chapters. I decided to hold off so I could binge, and it turned out to be a binge to the end. I’m excited for Kitty's story! I hope Leandra will make appearances in it, as she’s become a very admirable character to me, she’s pretty badass with the way she gets things done. You did wonderfully well with this story!
exomatt chapter 94 . 5/30
Thank you for everything!
Fher.21 chapter 94 . 5/30
thank you so much for your wonderful stories. can't wait to read what is next. You have true talent for storytelling.
St.Alessia chapter 94 . 5/30
Is it too much to say “I love you and your Elder Scrolls stories?” I hope not because reading your stories, especially this one, has helped me through hard times. I look forward to reading Lots of Larceny whenever you do publish it! Will you be following up with a sequel for this one? Or maybe snippets to showcase Leandra traveling about killing more Thalmor? Anyways, thank you so much for every chapter and story.

St.Alessia chapter 92 . 5/29
I can't be the only feeling increasing spoiled with all these updates! thank you! xoxo
Fher.21 chapter 89 . 5/26
So exiting. Thank the heavens we don't have to wait long for the conclusion of this amazing story.
DeadChickenRunning chapter 89 . 5/26
So much at once, so good! I look forward to more.
St.Alessia chapter 88 . 5/26
Thank you for the update! It's interesting to read the journal entries from Elisif's perspective. I can almost say I'm not surprised Tullius went too, the saying goes "you want something done, do it yourself" well expect in his case, there is no way out for him and his men. I feel like crackling manically like a member of the Dark Brotherhood lol
Junal chapter 87 . 5/25
I love how Leandra is intent on modding Windhem. Expansion packs, a good texture overhaul, now all they need to plan for is something to replace those godawful snow puddle shaders. And she is such a slithery snakey schemer with all of the most callously realistic plans and intents.

Really excited to see you updating the story to a close. Daresay I think it's your best one yet, and that's foremost because rather than being another usual Skyrim adventure questline story, it offers actual intrigue, from humble beginnings to politique noblesse, its civil warfare is protracted, and how you managed this delicious deconstruction of all the gameworld's mistakes by exercising the power of backstory for all of the usually inconsequential NPCs just to point out those holes better, well, it's been a marvelous read.
Fher.21 chapter 85 . 5/23
Thank you. Lockdown has been hard and Netflix isn't much help. Your wrting always makes the day a whole lot better.
DeadChickenRunning chapter 82 . 5/20
This is one of the more powerful chapters in an exceptional work. Very well done, I look forward to more.
Alastair279 chapter 82 . 5/16
So Elisif has a backbone! Fine! I love this!
Fher.21 chapter 82 . 5/15
wonderful writing as always. can't wait to read about the battle for solitude.
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