Reviews for Love In The Open (LITO)
SilverLightSpeed chapter 28 . 3/3/2017
Well that's a twist.

I wasn't expecting there to be a hidden identity behind the Kyman Klaw, but WOW. I'm not gonna spoil it like you asked, but that's deep.

Anyhow, nice continuation to last chapter.
SilverLightSpeed chapter 27 . 2/24/2017
I have to admit, I thought this was the last chapter when I saw the title. :P

Also, when Sonic was saying "THIS is who I am!" and all that jazz, was that a reference to the Shadow The Hedgehog game? There's a very similar scene at the end of that.

Sorry I didn't get around to answering your question about cities, I was super busy and didn't have time to check the site but honestly you handled it really well.

That scene with Gazelle was...well you've definitely expanded on her character. Props for using the 'meaningless fame' trope in a way that doesn't make a character hateful as well.

Thanks for the shout-out btw, I was curious to see how that scene was going to turn out. Nice job!
SusannahLilly chapter 24 . 1/11/2017
Okay so I'm just in love with this whole story youve done SO WELL man! And why is it I have the feeling he's lying about Silver being dead? I'm just in love with the JudyxSilver ship. They're so cute. But agh now you've left me this cliff hanger! Write more soon man!
SusannahLilly chapter 8 . 1/11/2017
Wow I just loved this chapter. I definitely relate to So if getting a little jealous of Justin... and yeah I kinda agree with Sonic something in me suspects Justin might not be the best person still... anyways can't wait to read more! Keep on writing!
p.s. I just love seeing Sonic and Gazelle's friendship unfold and I also can't wait to see what you do with Judy and Silver.
SilverLightSpeed chapter 24 . 1/11/2017
OK, so I only really had time to skim this chapter, but


If Silver is dead, here in the present, then he would have never made it to the future, and he would have never came back.

So, half of LITO just got wiped from the timeline.

Now before you say "Well, the future already happened and THEN Silver came to the present day". That sounds right, but think about it. In the present, the future hasn't happened yet. If I was alive in the future, but then came to the present and died there, I'm still going back in time to a point before the future. In this case, Silver is going back before the future where Iblis shows up (Since Sonic '06's events weren't wiped in your story) And even if that adventure already happened, it hasn't happened if that point in time hasn't came yet.

Sorry if I'm rambling, I'm not sure if I'm even correct on this because Silver and Sonic have already met, but it seems weird to me.
SilverLightSpeed chapter 22 . 1/6/2017
My review for ch. 19 got cut here's the rest of it.

Also, I think Silver should be with Blaze honestly.

You're writing Silver and Judy well, and it's nothing against you because I could do it just as easily, but the romantic side of their relationship feels very artificial. Not that they don't care about each other, it just feels like a forced plot point or even cliche. I'm not saying it's your fault, I'm just saying in my personal opinion this story would be closer to it's meaning if Silver and Blaze patched things up, because it doesn't seem like Blaze doesn't love Silver, she made a choice when she had to, but that was then and this is now.
SilverLightSpeed chapter 23 . 1/6/2017
Good Lord, that was a long read.

Overall interesting and well-rounded, but I just have a few things to say.

The way this is written, it seems like Amy left a bunch of orphans in need and stopped helping a bunch of people just because someone got "puppy love" for her. (Writer's tip: try using multiple words to mean the same thing so as not to bore your readers with the same term.) I get Amy was meant to be immature, but I feel that she was weirder than SEGA would make her. Also, there should've been more emotion that Amy felt for her mother's death. And frankly I think Amy would have been a little angry with Sonic for just running away when her mother died.
SuperKamek34 chapter 22 . 1/2/2017
Wow, that was- really good.

Just a few things.

If I recall correctly, Silver is very powerful and at least relatively smart by the present day's standards as he has knowledge from the future. But I'm assuming you wrote what you did to add emotion, and you did it well.

Although, Silver came to Zootopia to help Sonic. I think he's gotten a little side-tracked.

FYI: Be careful about using song lyrics. Not that the staff are really active anymore, but still.
SuperKamek34 chapter 21 . 12/21/2016
Hmm, your latest chapters are improving. Nice work. Although I will say 20 ideas are a little ambitious (This refers to what you said on the last chapter.) But regardless, I'll send you an idea if I get the chance.

Also, wait for it, WAIT FOR IT...

SuperKamek34 chapter 15 . 11/14/2016
Nice story, but Silver and Judy's relationship came way too quickly and doesn't feel natural.
SilverLightSpeed chapter 15 . 11/10/2016
About time you published this, am I right? :)

Anyway, really awesome work with establishing the connection between Silver and Judy. And I also like you established a very sequel-esque version of Bunnyburrow.

Although quick question: You mentioned Tails was there during the Night Howler conspiracy. So in your story, was Tails part of Zootopia (film)?
Guest chapter 3 . 10/23/2016
so I am guessing sonic is only wearing his shoes and from judy's reaction to the nudist club shows it is not common to walk around naked just saying like the story so far though
wise70 chapter 7 . 10/4/2016
what noooooo I need to know what happens. this is a really great story can't wait for the next chapter
SilverLightSpeed chapter 7 . 10/1/2016
Haha, Silver would kill that bowling game, imo the dude is awesome and he's got freaking telekinesis (or psychokinesis same difference.)

Also, I would make a joke about Tails being friendly with rabbits, but I'll save it for the Tails and Judy 10 years later shipfic (kidding, kidding.)

If Sonic is already calling Gazelle his Zootopian bffl then their bond is only gonna get stronger quickly and I dunno how our friend kinda-jerkish popstar wolf is gonna surpass that. But hey, I love a good suspense and crazy twists, as much as I like writing them there's also something special about not knowing. I'm literally about to write something very dark and it's nice to see something relaxing while I get ready to do so. Should be up 10/2/16 (a.k.a Sunday or tomorrow at the time I'm writing this.)
LoveandEdify chapter 5 . 9/24/2016
Alright guys, I'm surprised I haven't been seeing that much reviews for my OC villain (or any reviews for this matter.) Anyhow, giving you all a heads-up, there will be a deadline for submissions of the OC villain idea. The deadline is this coming Thursday (may not be when actually be the next updated chapter, so keep your eyes peeled.) So, I can't wait to see your suggestions. Also, send me some reviews on some ideas as well.
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