Reviews for Just Hold Me
temarichanx chapter 1 . 3/16/2018
Aww bittersweet but love it
Kakashi's Library chapter 1 . 3/26/2017
I can totally see this happening with how Naruto actually ended. Sasuke and Naruto clearly are not happy with their own families and I feel like the only thing keeping them there are their kids (especially for Sasuke). I actually wouldn't blame them for having an affair bc they ARE NOT happy. The only people who were "happy" by the end of that train-wreck ending were their wives. They got the guy that they've been pining over for years but at what cost? Their husbands look for any excuse to stay away for long periods of time (Sasuke spent 12 years away and never met his daughter until Gaiden and Naruto stays at the Hokages office even when he could go home like Shikamaru told him to in the Boruto movie) and as a result, their kids are left without really knowing their fathers and they're miserable.

Also, I am not a sasusaku shipper and imo that ship was totally forced. Sasuke has said multiple times throughout the series that he had no reason to be with Sakura and that his most important bond was with Naruto. Even now that they're married, he is never home and he only returns to the village to relay important info to Naruto. So I love that you kinda showed how Sasuke doesn't really care for his marriage with Sakura. While Naruto felt slight guilt about going behind Hinata's back (which I can see being canon bc he at least cares for her and maybe once loved her for a short time), Sasuke didn't mention Sakura once and said that it was Sarada he wouldn't be able to give up. Even now, he has no real ties with Sakura on an emotional level (it's only Sarada keeping them together which is not how a marriage based on love works). But I guess none of that matters because "OMG ITS CANON! QUEEN GOT HER MAN" right? LOL

sorry for my anti-ending rant (just needed to get that off my chest). ANYWAY thanks for the great fic! Fanfics are the only place where I feel like the Naruto characters can get the ending they deserved. And this cheating fic just made my life!
memoriesofdarkness chapter 1 . 1/7/2017
loved it! sasuke and naruto truly belong with each other and nothing can change that. keep up the good work! XD
FUCKYOUASSHOLE chapter 1 . 10/9/2016
Nice one. I had to imagine Naruto with his kid/teenage hair the entire time though. And since I have a strict "No Seme!Naruto" policy. I appreciate how you only mentioned Naruto topping and didn't actually describe it thoroughly. Phew!
I'm actually happy to know that Sasuke is suffering because, he can't have Naruto. I mean it's HIS own fault. He had to be a total asshole at the end and run off again. So yeah, he has no one to blame but himself.

But anyhow, I really liked it.

( 。・_・。)人(。・_・。 )

( F ) ( i ) ( r ) ( e ) ( b ) ( a ) ( l ) ( l ) - ( F ) ( u ) ( c ) ( h ) ( s ) ( i ) ( a )
qu33rios chapter 1 . 9/25/2016
Honestly thought it was a good fanfic. Just the right amount of emotion and I loved the connections between everyone.
Adryan chapter 1 . 9/24/2016
I hope this is not a one shot. I hope you turn this into a story because I would for you to expand on a few things, like when sasuke and naruto realized they loved each other and if their wife's ever found out. I love post epilogue sasunaru
Guest chapter 1 . 9/24/2016
God, these types of fics are always so ugly. You people who are upset because your poor yaois didn't become canon are so pathetic.
Elements1999 chapter 1 . 9/14/2016
Awesome story. I LOVE IT! Now lets see how long it takes me to get back to your other stories xD
SilverKitsune2017 chapter 1 . 9/12/2016
Well I am glad in this story that Sasuke and Naruto are actually being fairly attentive fathers. So that's always good.

It was an unusual move to make Naruto happy with Hinata and still seek out Sasuke anyway. It does actually seem like he loves them both. His passion for his teammate just runs hotter, I guess.

Lemon was good. Mid-play was funny.

It works well as a one shot, but I also think it could have been continued.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/12/2016
Cheating fics are a guilty pleasure of mine. Canon turned Naruto and Sasuke into inconsiderate jerks who aren't comfortable around their families and avoid spending time with them. There was no reason for Naruto to skip his own daughter's birthday, even Shikamaru told him to go home. And there's no reason for Naruto to make his kids call him "Lord Seventh" instead of dad. Sasuke apparently never even met his daughter before Gaiden. Knowing both guys are deadbeats to this extent, cheating is totally within the realm of canon possibility. You softened the blow by making them act nicer around their families than they do in canon, but they're still betraying everyone's trust with an affair.

Ignore the troll reviewer. The person writes the exact same insults and death threats to all SNS writers. Too dumb to crack open a thesaurus, I guess. The troll can't stand the idea that people would want to ship Sasuke with anyone other than Sakura. They are basement-dwelling trash.

Also ignore the person who wants to lecture you on the sanctity of NaruSasu over SasuNaru. It's the same damn ship no matter who inserts what where. I agree there's more bad SasuNaru fics than NaruSasu fics, but personality has nothing to do with how one likes to be pleasured in bed. It's yaoi bullshit that says tops always have to be more aggressive and bottoms always have to be more passive.
cherry chapter 1 . 9/11/2016
I prefer narusasu because they are more true to their character. sasunaru just makes naruto passive and so submissive and sasuke so aggressive and making all the moves like in this. naruto should he the one going after sex. I respect everyone can write what they like but just saying that they are not the same.
Phantrash no. 2 chapter 1 . 9/11/2016
Hmm.. I dunno what to say, Sasuke and Naruto don't really seem like the type of people to cheat behind their wives back, I mean Canon obviously shows that they are basically endgame (if u exclude 700) but yea.. I don't know, no offense, but I didn't like it. Still a nice story and please refrain from calling Sasuke tsundere, I almost choked on my vomit, jk :D
guest chapter 1 . 9/11/2016
Kill yourself, delusional disgusting pathetic fucked up fatass virgin fag.
opa123123123 chapter 1 . 9/11/2016
I liked it. it's not how I imagined but I think it went quite well. nice work. You didn't put 'One-Shot'. I don't think this has a story. only if Hinata finds out and she's a psycho and stuff. Or Bolt find out.. Where did u get the name Bolt from? And where can I meet you. I mean I can say I'm you're number 1 fan. By the way, are you still in Internship? I hope everything is okay. Nice one once again.
FortuneOnee chapter 1 . 9/11/2016
Lovely writing as always. This made me wonder why don't you ever write long form kibanaru in nonAU setting. I haven't looked if you wrote other pairings in it, but I would love to see you try a multi chapter in the original setting. I don't know just thoughts from the void I guess. Glad you are writing more of what you enjoy keep it up!