Reviews for Things change
judithneary chapter 20 . 7/23
Wow. Now I have to say that I prefer Metal over all. I have to admit I'm a novice when it comes to punk. I had no idea that there was animosity between the two since the sounds are both hard. Also, I'm so loving King and Connor. I'd love to read their story too.
judithneary chapter 14 . 7/20
If was at Stevie Ray Vaughan's final appearance at Alpine Valley in East Troy, WI. We were driving back to Chicago after the show and heard the news on the radio. I have to say it was the first time a celebrity death made me feel like I lost someone I knew. That would not happen again until Kurt Cobain killed himself. I really like this story and I don't know how I haven't discovered it before now. It's really well developed. Take care and stay safe.
Judith chapter 13 . 7/16
I've been reading your story "With A Different Beginning Comes Change" and I have to say, I don't know how I missed this story because it's very good and I have to ask, are you ever going to update "Running From Turtles"? You really have a knack for building a relationship for Jackie and Hyde.
ValidescopeWest chapter 18 . 7/15
I really enjoyed Kick’s idea of leaving the past behind, jumping into the bay and coming backed renewed and ready to start over.
ValidescopeWest chapter 11 . 7/15
Yeah Donna is so full of disrespect and she didn’t even learn her lesson after getting punched in the face.
ValidescopeWest chapter 10 . 7/15
I loved the conversation that Kitty had with Hyde. Such a conversation a mother who cares would have with her child. I’m so glad Hyde finally told Donna off.
ValidescopeWest chapter 9 . 7/15
I really enjoy all your original characters. Learning the back story of King and some of Kick, Max and Connors’s past drew me in so much. I’m so invested in them now.
ValidescopeWest chapter 6 . 7/15
I always wondered why they never explored more possibilities with W.B. and Hyde then working in a record store or the office because honestly wouldn’t he have more connections than that? They could have started a studio or record label. It would have probably been more up Hyde’s alley.
ValidescopeWest chapter 1 . 7/15
I’m reading With A Different Beginning Comes Changes and loves that so much that I decided to see what else you’ve written. One chapter in and this story is great already.
crazyKate92 chapter 8 . 4/13
I love this chapter!
crazyKate92 chapter 28 . 9/20/2019
Loved it! Such a great book!
crazyKate92 chapter 24 . 9/20/2019
Awwwww. Steven and Jackie are sooooo cute!
crazyKate92 chapter 21 . 9/20/2019
Awwwww! They are sooo cute! I’m glad they’re around better friends now!
crazyKate92 chapter 8 . 9/19/2019
Mea chapter 28 . 1/12/2019
This is a great story! I reallyenjoyed it, thanks for sharing!
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