Reviews for Something About Roommates and Girlfriends
Desca chapter 12 . 8/14/2018
Well. I'm french. But, i'm trying to understand all the fluffy stuff here... (Yeah,I'm here after the war).
And well.
Holy shit.
I wasn't ready for this polyA situation. And i'm so freaking happy, because, no one is sad. That is crazy. I really love how you write and hope you are still writing in 2018 (who know ?).


NighttimePhilosopher chapter 21 . 7/23/2018
Hhhhh i still adore this fic. Everybody gets something happy in their life and a chance to be redeemed and with that i think you've really captured the essence of SU
Guest chapter 20 . 7/14/2018
Hi - this is probably going to wind up being a rather awkward review, but anyway-

I started reading this fic back when it had just started, but kind of disappeared from the random around chapter 12. Having just gotten back into the fandom, i dug around in my emails and found my notifs for whenever you updated.

Went back and reread - it reminds me of a lot of stuff, which I could talk about - but I’d much rather talk about this fic (for just one day let’s only think about this fic~)

Your writing is amazing, and you can really see your abilities grow and improve as the story progresses. Your characters are believable, and I was incredibly invested in their dynamics - especially once we hit the halfway mark and things got both heavier and lighter. I was smiling and crying in equal measure, and I can’t tell you how much I seriously appreciate you taking the time to write. It really does make an impact on your readers.

So, thank you.
Agua chapter 19 . 10/24/2017
This story is nothing short of amazing. I have nothing negative to say about it: the characters, the story and the romance are all greatly done. Particularly, the characters are all in-character, and the story is awesome. It made me ship the three of them! :)

I wonder what Jasper is going to say... I honestly can relate to this kind of relationship (it was greatly done, without Lapis being a "pure angel" and Jasper being evil and "iredeemable", and I felt like it was respectful of the canon), so I'm a bit nervous on both of their accounts. I hope it turns out well. They both deserve happiness. Maybe she'll be with Ruby? (Are the Rubies all named "Ruby" or do they have different names?)

Also, this story is a bubble of happiness to me. Good luck with it! Don't overwhelming yourself and stay safe!
NighttimePhilosopher chapter 19 . 10/11/2017
Wowowowow I'm so happy for the girlfriends and Lapis. I may've casually felt anxiety before the fight and during the buildup haha
kurona7 chapter 18 . 9/27/2017
Oh gosh. Poor Lappy letting this bother her :( Gosh I want to punch Jasper in the face and tell her to cuss off. I am looking forward to seeing what is to happen. Thank you for sharing!
Twincarcino chapter 18 . 9/11/2017
This was such a great chapter I loved it
kurona7 chapter 16 . 5/17/2017
AAAH I LOVE IT. T-T I'm proud for Peridot. Gah I want to thank Lapis for comforting her. CUSS YELLOW DIAMOND! Jaja and Lapis final words to her."You suck ma'am" jaja. I would love to see more! Thank you for sharing!
Little Snuggle chapter 16 . 5/16/2017
I can't think of anything to actually say in my review, so I'll just tell you what I was whisper-screaming the whole time I was reading this: "YEEEEES! YEEES PERIDOT, YEEEES! TELL THAT YELLOW BUTT WHO WEARS THE PANTS IN THIS HOUSE! YOU TELL THAT JERK THAT YOU'RE A FREE WOMAN AND YOU DON'T NEED NO FAMILY COMPANY! YOU TOO LAPPY! MAKE SURE THAT BANANA KNOWS WHO SUCKS THE MOST! Yeeeees Champagne, you hug your f**king sister like your life depends on it! You make sure she knows you love her! You show her you care in the most sisterly way possible and kiss her forehead! You cry on her shoulder and curse Lapis if she hurt your baby! This is a real family! Champagne needs to live with Peridot and be a happy family!"

"Haha yes Peridot, laugh at Lapis's lame joke at hereditary running heels- waIT, NO BABY DoN't cRY! It's over, you're okaaay!"

But really though, turkey jerky, potato chips, and a pumpkin protein bar sounds pretty bomb right now and I'd totally eat that for thanksgiving.

last but definitely not least, I ended the chapter while whisper-screaming: "YEEES, GO GET SOME LOVE FROM AMETHYST AND STEVEN'S FAMILY AT RHE UNIVERSE'S! YEEEES!"

I'm so in love with this story, I can't even read a single chapter without crying tears of everything. Mostly pride; pride that our lil P-dot is happy where she is and even though she's got some problems she still has so many people that love her. Also because Lapis is the
Trulululu chapter 15 . 5/8/2017
i was ready for alllllll things
¿polilove? i din't see that, sorry if a leave ma review late
my english is rlly bad and writte reviews in every single capter ist't nice
idk i rlly love Lapidot, Amedot a Lamethyst is not my thing... but i still reading this
because i'm curios
FexGoneHavoc chapter 6 . 4/27/2017
Are you serious? XD Paz? Rabara?! What the fuu thats clever hahaha
Skavvie chapter 12 . 4/11/2017
Hard to believe this is coming to an end
Little Snuggle chapter 15 . 4/10/2017
Oh, this was a wonderful chapter to read at 4AM on a school day. I love all the fluff and lovey stuff between those three. It's been so long since The Thanksgiving was first mentioned, and honestly I could totally just enjoy the rest of the story without whatever that arc will be because you do an excellent job of making every chapter so adorable and interesting. I want Steven to be happy though! I want Amethyst to help her lil bro, and I want Peridot to be the man of the house at thanksgiving (which I know won't happen, but it's still fun to imagine). I'm glad Steven is proud of his work, cause lets be honest, without him LapAmeDot wouldn't be a thing... Really though, I hope he isn't too sad about all the things going on in his life, cause I know that junk can be hard.

Also, the part where Pearl reveals she's engaged and that she's 35 surprised the hell out of me. I thought she'd be, like, 20 or something, and definitely not soon-to-be-married to Sheena/Mystery Girl. What was that part at the end, where it says Lapis is going to be free from nightmares until after thanksgiving? Is that some extreme foreshadowing, or am I forgetting something from an earlier chapter? ;~; I don't want Lappy to be miserable again, please don't let Jasper ruin her relationship and her life. Let them be haaaappyyyy, but only after you make then suffer a little so the fluffy love is even more meaningful and adorable.
NighttimePhilosopher chapter 15 . 4/10/2017
Fluff with foreshadowing undertones *ghost noises*
xXPokeFictionXx chapter 14 . 3/19/2017
Suffocated by lesbians for the win! LMAO XD
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