Reviews for A Game of Thrones: Fury and Flame
Dracus6 chapter 1 . 4/13
what really is Azula and Stannis relationship in all of this
Guest chapter 40 . 3/10
God, this was so typical of Cersei. She knows she will most likely soon face a war with Azula. She knows Ned is very much in Robert's corner, not hers. She knows Dorne, the Stormlands, the Riverlands, the Vale and the Iron Islands will all either stand against House Lannister or remain neutral. So what does she do? Antagonize Loras of course. The guy on whom rests the alliance with the Tyrells, which is of vital importance for her and her children continued survival. And why does she do it? Because she is jealous of how much her father values him and because Loras is loyal to Tywin, not her.
daggercloak000 chapter 68 . 2/11
Please update soon. Wow firebender revealed
Guest chapter 68 . 1/27
To further elaborate on the inevitability of firebending.

Once knowledge of the ability spread it will start an arms-race. Oh sure many Houses will be too stupid to realize it and many more, especially those on the Lannister and Tyrell side, will claim it as some sort of foul eastern magic the Seven would condemn (which in itself is actually a subject worth discussion - how will the Faith react to it?).

But on the other hand many, many Houses will see firebending and desire the ability for their children and children's children. Not to mention that even if they wouldn't, the fact that their neighbors will means they must too.

For the North for the example. Bolton will take one look at what Ursa can do and say 'what Winterfell has so must the Dreadfort'. And then he will start looking at all the female firebenders like a prized horses for breeding. Wyman? The man is far too shrewd and cunning to not seethe value there and most likely tell his sons to look for potential matches for Wylla and Wynafryd among the male firebenders. The Greatjon and Karstark? The will watch Ursa and other firebenders wreck havoc and say to themselves 'that's what I want in my good-daughter'.

The fact House Mormont already has produced such a union and the Maege is among the resulting children, and not to forget those second sons from the Karstarks and Ryswalls, will only reinforce such thoughts. Not to mention go a long way towards calming the waters, since the revelation of such magics could easily cause a panic.

We also know Azula has done quite a bit of work in the Stormlands (Steffon's procession there, Brienne joining the Flameguard). That will certainly pay off after the war on this issue.

As for the Riverlands. Edmure is currently unmarried. If Azula won't try to throw a bride his way I will be very surprised. The woman has done a lot to expand the number of her people and firebenders in particular. She will certainly use this war, among other things, as a opportunity to further increase the numbers of Westerosi with Fire Nation blood.
Guest chapter 68 . 1/25
{The Red Viper shook off his surprise, and broke the silence, “Can this power be inherited?”

“It can,” she answered.

“Interesting,” the Viper smiled.}

This short exchange may have done more damage to Aegon's cause that any of Arianne or Azula's machinations up until now.

We know Connington has recently visited Sunspear to try and get Doran's support for a Targaryen restoration. No doubt Varys and Illyrio told him to as to prevent Azula from winning them to her side. Yet once Oberyn return to Dorne and informs his brother of what he saw things will get complicated.

The three reasons why Doran would support Aegon are as follows: -avenging the death of his sister and her daughter, -support his blood relative (for the sake of argument less assume he will accept as such, obviously if he don't Aegon is f#&%), -gratitude of the new King, who won his throne in large part to the Martell's.

Revenge? Well, Azula is hardly going to make a fuss if the Martell's will want Tywin's head for their support, so that point falls through.

Getting in tight withe new monarch? They can get the same from Azula. Sure, the Firelord will presumably have more support, therefore the support of Dorne will overall be less worth to her, but that balances out with her increased chances of winning. And honestly royal favour is highly overrated if you look at the history. I mean how many Houses saw true, long-term profit by marrying into the Targaryen family for example.

No the crux of the matter is the fact that Aegon is blood and that means something in Westerosi society. But the firebending changes things. Not only due to the danger of fighting against firebenders, but the value of having your own.

For all the talk the various Houses make of bloodlines, there is nothing inherently different in theirs compared to the average peasant really (Targaryen's and Stark's being the exception, with only the former being aware and making a issue of that). The possibility of acquiring actual inheritable super-powers, making their bloodlines truly mean something is a prospect that will resonant deeply with even the most liberal thinking Westerosi Noble.

And at the end of the day Aegon might be blood, but he remains a Targaryen, while Doran is the head of House Martell.

Oh, he wouldn't fight against him of course (always assuming he acknowledges him as blood), but he may very well tell him that for the sake of his own House he can't support the restoration of his.

Honestly I would love to see Doran ringing over the decision. Joy over the revelation that his nephew lives, and utter despair that that fact also prevents him from forming an alliance that can strengthen his House immensely and which is simply far more valuable than getting your own blood on the throne.
Guest chapter 68 . 1/24
Good chapter.

I do have to say through this took so long I honestly forgot about this story. I probably have to do a re-read just to get back into the spirit of it, pun not intended.

I should point out that you continue with bloating your chapters with unnecessary details. You could have easily cut out a third of this chapter without any loss in quality and plot.

Over on spacebattles you ask readers which PoV they want next. My pick: Tyrion (KL). Preferably you would include Cersei's coup attempt and the immediate aftermath, one way or the other. Given your writing style until now I doubt you go for it, but that would be my recommendation. You really need get the plot going.

You could have Tyrion narrate the remaining journey on the road, Myrcella being escorted to Casterly Rock and his own arrival at the capital in 1-2 paragraphs and then go straight to him informing his sister of 'Baelish' letter, which would prompt her to start the coup. Of which he would be totally unaware until the moment it starts, because why would Cersei feel the need to inform the Imp.

Whatever you will do at the end, thanks for your good work. Until next time.
Accipiter Ater chapter 68 . 1/23
When they were discussing plumbing how come you didn’t have Ned bring up the massive plumbing system in Winterfell? He sort of just sat there and listened when he is literally one of the only lords to hold a castle with some form of plumbing surely he could have added something to the conversation.
diabloseriosa chapter 68 . 1/23
great chapter, pretty long too, azula slowly showing her card to fish for allies, i like that you make eddark as a little supisius of people, some write him as some paragon of justice, looking forward to next chapter
Xavier Rall chapter 68 . 1/22
Very nice to see this story again! And now Ned knows about firebending!
Black Magic99 chapter 68 . 1/22
Your back! its been so long i was worried. Its good to see that time as not dulled your talent
myafroatemydog chapter 4 . 10/14/2019
Good chapter!
myafroatemydog chapter 3 . 10/14/2019
Good chapter
myafroatemydog chapter 2 . 10/13/2019
Interesting chapter
myafroatemydog chapter 1 . 10/13/2019
Interesting first chapter
Pop chapter 67 . 8/6/2019
Brilliant story, I look forward to more chapters.

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