Reviews for Denial
AmaraRae chapter 1 . 4/1/2019
more please
Marmite chapter 1 . 5/30/2017
Hey, this is a very good story but I would like to be able to read more. Maybe have the team find out and how has nightwing disappeared or is he pretending to be dead. How would the team react to him going undercover and what will they think when they discover he's sleeping with the enemy. Batman I'm guessing would be pissed or jealous.
Anyway what I'm really trying to say is please write more
Nada chapter 1 . 9/1/2016
This was a really good one-shot, I really liked how we got to see the different PoVs and of course having Deathstroke is great. Also, the way that Dick's thoughts were going was interesting and definitely leaves questions. Apt title know that I've read this and know what it's referring to.
GenderBender25 chapter 1 . 9/3/2016
O.o brah. Brah. Guuurllll, please continue,nthis has such the potential. Love.
shadowswithouthope chapter 1 . 9/2/2016
Please tell me this is being continued?
Unlucky Alis chapter 1 . 9/1/2016
I love this so much. Renegade's introduction as Deathstroke's steely pupil, and Artemis' slow understanding of the situation. I love villain Robin stories, especially the ones where Deathstroke is involved. The switch on name from Renegade to Nightwing when the perspective changes helps so much to keep us in mind that while he's doing all this, he's still supposed to be on the heroes' side, but he's enjoying everything too and switching over would be so easy if it weren't for the people he started fighting for in the first place. I love this fic so much. Since its marked as complete, I'm assuming there won't be anymore, but I would definitely read it if there was.