Reviews for On Death And Dying
Nate chapter 1 . 5/31
Holy shit this was so sad and dark
TheWayTheFeatherFalls chapter 1 . 11/6/2019
Miko Eiko chapter 1 . 3/5/2019
Ni bien mencionaste el cráneo ya supe que era el de John, la verdad no me pareció extraño que en su testamento le dejara su esqueleto, más bien me pareció correcto y hasta un poco cómico pensar en el notario al que le tocó hacer esos papeles.
Moosetato2030 chapter 1 . 11/14/2018
Now that I see it this way, this is completely accurate for Sherlock, a child, with his safety blanket. Thank you for writing this, it was a truly wonderful experience to read.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/13/2017
Wonderful story! Such a Sherlock thing to do too
Assan-Mahariel chapter 1 . 2/6/2017
Poor Sherlock
Guest chapter 1 . 1/31/2017
This broke my heart honestly
Suealpacamama chapter 1 . 12/28/2016
This is so devastatingly, achingly sad...How astute of compassionate and understanding of Lestrade.
ImpossibleJedi4 chapter 1 . 9/8/2016
I don't know whether to laugh or cry I hope you're happy!

But it's so in character it hurts, good job!
joycelyn.o.ting chapter 1 . 9/7/2016
Oh my god I can't, I'm still crying. And I can't stop ffs. I can feel my heart breaking, not because John died, but because of what his death did to Sherlock. I pray John never dies in the series, if not I'd start crying at any moment I think about him for the rest of my life. Ok I'll just go back to crying now. I want to say this was awesome, but that sounds so wrong. This is seriously a really good fic though.
The Ghostly Horse chapter 1 . 9/7/2016
First up, just went through the reviews. Not a one was disgusted that Sherlock had kept the skeleton of John Watson in his flat, sitting in his chair with a cup of tea. They were hardly even surprised. I think that says a lot about this fandom.

I certainly enjoyed how you set out this story, with the stages of grief and every. Having everything from the perspective of Greg was well-done, and very true to the two characters. I am so very not surprised that John left his remains to Sherlock. But... on some level, if I think very hard about it, I'm uncomfortable with being paraded around when I'm dead. And, well, the process Sherlock went through to get John's skeleton makes me a little queasy, because that's his best friend that he's boiling the meat off, scraping organs out of and disposing of or whatever.

I really enjoyed the bit about how Greg's initially sketchy on whether or not John actually killed the mugger, and then when Sherlock says that he would have died next, he simply knows that the doctor would have done anything to keep Sherlock alive. Although, a wee bit haunting how Sherlock freely admits that his method of murder would have been messier. But very in-character. And the whole 'maybe they were more' that you wove into the story was very sweet, I kinda really like the mental image you've given me for that.

I'm with Greg. I want to give Sherlock a hug too. I absolutely loved, really, properly loved, that you made Greg understand. That he let Sherlock cart John Watson's skull around crime scenes. But. To be completely honest. My first reaction would run very similar to the detective's upon learning that I'm currently holding the skull of a recently deceased friend. Sherlock's memorisation of John's will was beautiful, and your last line of Greg's thought process was, well, heartbreaking. It really was.

Beautifully written. Heartbreaking. Thank you.
Tamuril2 chapter 1 . 9/5/2016
I-I-I n-n-not c-c-ryi-i-ing. It's these stupid Onion Ninjas. They thwart me every time. :(

Dang! This story. I'm literally tearing up here. That poor, poor boy. Yes, like Greg, I know Sherlock is a grown man, but...not mentally. Poor boy. My heart is clenching over this. He "kept" John. Because he can't function without him. Ach. I'm glad Greg got it, after a bit. Poor Sherlock needs that.

Will there be a sequel? Please say it is so. This needs more. Plus, Sally needs to be slapped. Viciously.
Chaoshift chapter 1 . 9/3/2016
The bit with John leaving that note was brilliant! Also,the headstone. I can vividly imagine the skull scene as Canon.
Suealpacamama chapter 1 . 8/31/2016
Sad...and incredibly touching. What an amazing friend John was for Sherlock...saving him by killing the mugger so Sherlock wouldn't become a murderer...and understanding that Sherlock would not be able to cope, so leaving "himself" to keep Sherlock company.
XxKingArthurIIIxX chapter 1 . 8/31/2016
I've never read a death fic involving John before, so a mourning Sherlock was new to me. And I have to say, you really blew me away with your portrayal of a grieving Sherlock. I don't know what I was expecting, maybe something along Greg's line of thought, a breakdown at the end of the funeral, considering the sense of finality I felt with John's burial. But you really added depth to your story, straying away from the typical, a very Sherlock route. I read this story with baited breath, wary of Sherlock and his seemingly apathetic attitude towards John's death. I was still waiting for some sort of break, I suppose, and when it finally heart wrenched for Sherlock. Your story really hit where it hurt and I actually cried more than once reading this.
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