Reviews for A Night In Killcrest Manor
redstarsarc chapter 10 . 10/23/2016
Ooo, I love the ending! The Doctor finally knows about the Great Intelligence. Things are about to start happening. Don't know what kinds of things, but I'm sure they'll be exciting things. Except maybe not for the Doctor. Or any future casualties. And may I just say, I love your devotion to this series. It's so hard to find fanfic series that aren't abandoned part-way through. I love how you're setting things up for the future and that bit with Jack at the end was the perfect epilogue. It felt like something that would happen after the end credits of an episode. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next installment.
BurgundyHope chapter 10 . 10/20/2016
Another list:

1) aw, poor Silas...ok, I'm actually glad he wasn't the killer after all

2) I love that Pierce isn't mad at the Doctor in the slightest haha He's just like, "The Doctor is here! Brilliant! What do you need me to do?" lol

3) Spoonheads! I never would have guessed! I had completely forgotten about them,

4) the bit about the GI never actually jumping into the Doctor's timestream was very clever ;)

5) I like that the GI isn't actually defeated in this story - the Doctor now knows who has been following them, and the GI is gone for now, but there's still more to come. Great set up :)

6) He felt Sarah Jane's hand on his shoulder, and he touched it with his own, gripping it, resisting the urge to tremble. "I'm with you, Doctor, until the very end," she comforted, almost as though she read his thoughts. He nodded. That was what scared him the most. - favorite part of the entire chapter, hands down. We don't often get to see the Doctor's vulnerable side, so when we do it's even more of a sucker punch.

7) So this bit with Jack is AFTER what we've seen so far in the Harkness Files, yeah?

8) Strax is the best hahaha

FANTASTIC closing chapter on this story! Loved it! :D And it may or may not have inspired me to write some Doctor Who fic myself - we'll see ;) Great job, my friend :)
ZiggySTARDIS chapter 10 . 10/20/2016
Yet another terrific installment in your series. I can't wait to see where it goes next :-)
BurgundyHope chapter 9 . 10/18/2016
1) Barlow is straight up psychotic

2) Rule of Two - funny story, when I first saw the title I thought it was a Firefly reference, but then I looked it up to double check and it's Star Wars... So I was close! It's still in the nerd-realm! haha

3) isn't there a Classic Who episode where they slow down a robot or something by asking it to state its primary programming? Which one was it? Or was it the reboot Who with David Tennant on the Titanic at Christmas? I can't remember...

4) I am SO CONFUSED. Was the Pierce we saw at the beginning not the real one? Is the Great Intelligence controlling Pierce? The REAL Pierce? Or Pierce's dead body?

5) What does the GI need the Doctor's body for?

BurgundyHope chapter 8 . 10/18/2016
Aw, I feel so bad for Drucille right now :(

Ok, you said "let's see who figures this out first", but then at the end of the chapter we actually SEE Barlow with the literal smoking gun. did you give it away? Or is there someone else, too?

On to the next chapter!
BurgundyHope chapter 7 . 10/18/2016
1) how did the Great Intelligence get inside Sarah Jane's head? :/

2) The Thick of It! haha That's great! ;)

3) ok, it's chapters like this that make me want to ship the Doctor and Sarah Jane SO badly! 3 haha

4) poor Winston and Felicia :(

And the plot continues to thicken...
BurgundyHope chapter 6 . 10/18/2016
Ha! Good ol' Harry ;) I miss that guy sometimes.

I'm a little concerned that the Doctor is so noticeably tired and off his game :/ I'm wondering if there is a specific reason for that and/or if it will come back to bite him in the butt one of these days.

They've found a key though, at least, so they've found some sort of path to follow!
redstarsarc chapter 8 . 10/13/2016
Ooh, this is exciting! Poor Winston and Felicia. That was really gruesome. I like the dream sequence at the beginning of ch. 7. But that cliffhanger! Poor Genevieve (did I spell that right?). I was starting to think maybe Barlow wasn't the killer because he was starting to seem suspicious, but I guess he was. Unless there's a twist up ahead and Pierce really was behind it all along. Wait a minute... Would a plasma blast kill a robot? It /was/ ricocheted. Am I overthinking this?

Anyway...looking forward to the next chapter!
redstarsarc chapter 6 . 10/12/2016
Interesting chapter. It's a good break from the tension, some puzzle solving, and Sarah brings up a good point. It really is too early to know the killer's true nature and motives.

I remember Harry! I like it when fics reference the classic era, there's so much of the Doctor's history there to work with.

Well, it's really late and I need to sleep so I'll probably review the next chapter tomorrow.
ZiggySTARDIS chapter 6 . 10/10/2016
Yay! Another great chapter, and the mystery gets even deeper... Terrific.
redstarsarc chapter 5 . 9/19/2016
Well I hope the butler didn't do it. I've just decided he's my favorite. And I really want to know where the Doctor's going with the paintings. It occurs to me that while the Doctor's really awesome and clever and all, it might actually be annoying to meet him in real life since he thinks we're all pudding brains (most of us, anyway ;D). Great chapter.
BurgundyHope chapter 5 . 9/19/2016
Yes, yes, YES! :D Top three favorite things about this chapter: Sarah Jane (she's just the sweetest ever, Sarah Jane (the bit with Ricard attacking Genevieve and SJ was SO GOOD, the tension really amped up - I love it when she's in danger, and no, I'm not crazy :P lol), and Sarah Jane (LOVE that she's wondering if maybe the Doctor is jumping to conclusions - you and me both, SJ ;) ). And then if I have to pick a fourth favorite thing it's the Doctor in general because I love the dialogue you give him ;)

More please! :) lol
ZiggySTARDIS chapter 5 . 9/18/2016
This is shaping up to be your best story yet :-)
BannerFanner chapter 2 . 9/16/2016
Haha, I love Pierce Killcrest. Great character...even in death. Spoiler alert, those reading the comments ahead! For shame! ;D
BannerFanner chapter 1 . 9/16/2016
Ooo, ominous!
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