Reviews for First Impressions
AlternateInverse chapter 1 . 2/29
Ahhhh how interesting. Wonder if there will be a continuination for this somehow ...
HedgeWizard chapter 1 . 1/6/2018
I kind of thought it was odd that Misaka actually cared about the clones, considering they were made up of chemical compounds inside an incubator and had a shortened lifespan anyways. Accelerator also really didn't have a real choice in participating in the experiments, and the scientists were going to do it anyways. Anyhow, her running around trying to stop it was really dumb in my opinion; seriously in this city the Child Errors were being kidnapped and used in human experimentation, she could have focused on that.
mafia king chapter 1 . 10/17/2016
pls tell me u plan to expand on this love the concept so much
ultron emperor chapter 1 . 9/1/2016
I like this story and you are very good to write fan fics about Accelerator.
If you want an idea for a new story,you can write a fic where there is no Touma in the index universe,and Accel is the protagonist.
UCCMaster chapter 1 . 8/30/2016
Interesting...though I feel like it was a bit rushed. Misaka wouldn't break down that quickly. Also you mistaken the times and dates. Misaka wasn't aware of the clone project much less trying to shit it down when she first met Shinobu.
Anyways, still a good attempt and I encourage you to keep up your fan writing as it will only get better from here.

NoNameAvailable Bis chapter 1 . 8/30/2016
I'm... not sure it would have changed anything, actually. I mean, she finds out a little sooner about the experiments, and try to stop them probably the same way. If anything, the way she met Accelerator in canon was worse.

Small factual error : "just a metre before they collided, Mikoto felt like a force field crash into her". That should only happen on contact, Accelerator needs to "touch" the vectors he wants to redirect.

Also, a pretty big OOC moment : Mikoto doesn't fire Railguns at people just because she's flustered. Heck, in most adaptations, she doesn't fire Railguns at people at all, what with not wanting to kill, and all (to my knowledge, the Index manga is the only place where she aims at Touma, and that already looked pretty OOC there).
Goddam chapter 1 . 8/30/2016
This was an interesting concept, and you kept all of the cast perfectly in character. It's a shame this is only a one-shot.
UnkownSoul chapter 1 . 8/30/2016
Mikoto would have probably taken a much darker route if this had happend in canon.

Aaahhhh... a Mikoto involved with the darkness would have been so interesting...