Reviews for How Does That Even Work? Among Other Such Things
bogey654 chapter 4 . 3/23/2018
You are truly an incredible writer; your descriptions make an inherently boring and disinteresting setting engaging and draw the reader on to read more. I had a few good laughs and you use the situation the characters are in to draw out the personality you, the writer, want whilst still keeping them true enough to their original personalities leading to a great setting without bastardisation.

I'll be reading this, should you write more and I'm very much looking forward to the next installment. Thanks for providing a great read and I'll now proceed to read other stories you have written!
Guest chapter 4 . 1/17/2018
Just a heads up, Blizzard World and the skins are getting released on the 23rd of January. There's your release date :)

Nova and Illidan are pals confirmed

Also, more elaboration on the Transition and Nova's condition! Woooot!
Consort chapter 4 . 1/16/2018
(Coffin rises from the earth, and slams open to reveal the next chapter, alive) And quoth the now-living entity: YOU FUCKIN' THOUGHT.

Anyway, half of this chapter is relatively standard stuff that you write, with Sylvanas in a reverie then killing Nova over very little. Not bad by any means, just... well, guess I'm used to it?

And then there's the Illidan half, which is actually really good and interesting and does worldbuilding and builds up the sense of there being a possible overarching plot and still manages to have a touch of surrealism and the weirdness of Illidan having an apartment. Good job on that half.
K98 chapter 3 . 4/13/2017
hope you keep up with story too
Guest chapter 3 . 1/25/2017
Soooo.. this story is about sylvanas/nova while first impressions will contain sylvs harem? A dream come true ;D
Psykotic101 chapter 1 . 11/14/2016
OMG, I feel so bad for Nova. But this is a great start to a slow-burn romance, if you take it that way. I look forward to seeing the next chapter.
turtlefish chapter 1 . 9/1/2016
it happened. you made this. thank you.
Lucario chapter 1 . 8/29/2016
Am I really THAT predictable, Consort? Well, you seem to know me well enough. OK.

And I guess it would be polite to say something story-relevant, so... What about Widowmaker Nova during the dream section? I suppose that the skin is literally Nova in cosplay, but I couldn't actually think of a better comment...

I'll see myself out before I slip up. Contrary to popular belief, I do care about other people's wishes as well. (And no, this isn't a dig at Mr Phoenix, he did give me what I wished for, before I made... several mistakes.)
Consort chapter 1 . 8/29/2016
Okay, now this really kicked my imaginatiom into overdrive. I think I've got something you might have fun with. I'll PM it shortly.

Still, even if the Single-finger salute is rude, wouldn't telling someone to hit themselves with a Nerf bat be a deadly insult, considering Nerfs are essentially the only things that can permanently hurt the heroes?

And Lucario, I'm sure you're going to read these comments. I know you're watching. Don't do what I think you're going to do. Grand Pheonix is a person too.