Reviews for Redemption
Ginford chapter 10 . 1/17/2018
Kudos on the author's not and unfortunately still so true... supporting a loved one struggling can take a toll on everyone and the struggle to stay clean,
committed never leaves...
Ginford chapter 10 . 10/10/2017
A profound and beautifully told story of Redemption.

I have loved it more each time I have re-read it over the years.

It would have made a wonderful episode follow up in the Voyager series, and fit so we'll into that Roddenberry theme of finding the good in all of us...and that we are more alike than different...and what it means to be flawed but it's best sense.

PinkAngel17 chapter 10 . 11/6/2011
This was amazing! I couldn't stop reading it. Absolutely great story!
Steph7085 chapter 10 . 8/2/2006
Words cannot describe how good this story is!

I could not stop reading it even when threatened by others lol.

Fantastic plot, well written, all characters in character. I loved it :D
allison chapter 10 . 12/14/2004
loved the story! it was very riveting. . .i hope to read more of your work
Tiger Girl1 chapter 10 . 4/27/2003
This story is excellent. Well-thought-out, exquisitely executed, brilliantly plotted. You have drawn each character vividly and accurately, and at the same time, you've added a depth to them that is sometimes hinted at on the show, but never portrayed to the extent that you have shown it here. Thank you, thank you for being true to these characters and their personalities and relationships and motivations! And thank you for dealing again with the crewmembers from the Equinox, and the captain's actions then. It was an exceptional closure for that entire incident. I'm sorry you weren't writing for Paramount a year after the Equinox episode. I would have loved to see this story on the series! And you've dealt with the drug addiction in a very powerful way, too. Great, great, amazing, wonderful... I'm running out of adjectives... superb job with this! And thank you so very much for sharing it with us!

fan chapter 10 . 4/3/2003
This is an incredible piece. I appreciate the way you have portrayed Janeway's motivation (ref Ransom). This was a great way to give the character a chance to 'explain' Equinox. This is the best handling of that episode that I have seen (and I read lots of fanfic). I can not imagine a better perspective on Janeway's character. Please say you have many more story ideas and more stories to come soon!
JadziaKathryn chapter 7 . 2/24/2003
"Tom was so excited, he leapt for joy, momentarily forgetting his surroundings, and in the process banging his head painfully on the upper surface of the Jefferies tube." That is an excellent piece of writing! This chapter is the best so far- very in character and well written.
Piper chapter 10 . 2/17/2003
I just want to say that was so well written, i could hardly believe it. I think you are a lovely helps that i am a fan of Janeway too, but you portrayed them to the dot which i always admire. So many people stray off character, YOU DID NOT! Awesome job, That episode has always been in the back of my mind and you kind of tied up the loose ends, PERFECTLY, might i add. Loolk forward for more!
sfcmdhq chapter 7 . 2/17/2003
So far, this is the best chapter. Janeway's speech was right on her character. This series so far has been wonderful.
ant chapter 1 . 2/17/2003
You only started to write fanfiction ? I can't believe it - This is the greatest story I've every read.

I'm looking forward to read the next story.
Carlotta chapter 10 . 2/16/2003
GREAT story. I'm just reading the novelization of the "Equinox" episode and I really think you captured the characters wonderfully. My only regret is that I didn't find your story earlier in the evening - I stayed up until 1:30 in the morning reading this because I *had* to finish it!
Tharin chapter 10 . 2/16/2003
Another error afer I try to submit a long review :-(

The whole thing again: I said it befor, but this story is very, very good!

The characterizations of Janeway and her crew are great. I like Janeways speach, you potrayed her just right. The way you describe her feelings, her guilt about what happend...

It's also nice that you found something to do for Tom. ;-)

You found a very good reason for Noah's behaviour. I can imagine why he found his way to drugs, without careing about the dangers. You don't make it easy, because you don't let him be occupied from strange aliens or let him die at the end. They all have to deal with him and his problems. It's typical Captain Janeway that she try to help and rescue him.

But I think it would take longer for Noah's recovery, 4 months seem so short. Otherwise, I don't know how long it takes.

You and your story have found your way to my favorite authors/stories list.

I'm waiting for some more wonderful work from you!
walkinshade chapter 10 . 2/16/2003
I just read the last chapter and have to say once again. The real greatness of this story is the thruth of its characters. Seldom I found Kathryn Janeway and her fine crew so exellent potraited like here. I still get goosebumps...

Sue, I' d like to get to know you?

Thank you for sharing this with us. Its more than fanfiction, its great literature in my eyes.

Keep writing
redrocktaz chapter 1 . 2/13/2003
i love the story .,why are you keeping us waiting to find out what happens
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