Reviews for Undercover
PxdxlF chapter 13 . 5/12/2018
Hey ! It was a really nice story, I like the way you protrayed the characters and the rythm of the plot, can't wait to read the sequel :D
chaann chapter 13 . 10/8/2016
at first I was like :) then :D then 8D then :( cause u ended it at such a crucial point! talk about cliffhanger! oh well, u sure got me excited x100
thank u for all your hard work! see ya in the sequel~~ kisses
chaann chapter 12 . 10/8/2016
as the main reviewer here, have I yet been critical? I love this. my only critic I CAN give tho is that I wasn't hurt enough in this chapter. I wanted more heartache. however I'm sure u can easily redeem yourself in the next one ;) can't wait for Sasori and Deidara's little chat!
also that sequel you say...oh baby...
chaann chapter 11 . 10/6/2016
There are so many ways you could go with this now and it's killin me that I can't even pin point a guesstimate. ugh the drama was lurching in my chest and I love it (: please hurt me even more~~~
chaann chapter 10 . 10/3/2016
"Deidara has had some pleasant times with his dick, and he plans to keep things that way." - that killed me. ahh so fluffy and sweet. yes baby. preparing me with sweet things before the bludgeoning or death enducing drama. my wee girlish heart is ready!
chaann chapter 9 . 10/2/2016
I think I've read this chapter five times now. Sasori is such an angel! makes me feel not only bad for him in the end for being dragged along in a web of lies, but also I feel that something else could happen... but I'm just not sure what..
Deidara. u in a hole deeper than the one Hidan's head is in
chaann chapter 8 . 9/25/2016
I read half of this before I had to run away from sheer giddiness. then u go and stab me through the heart with that last line... ugh that hurt sooo goooood. ur updates make me so happy :)
chaann chapter 7 . 9/18/2016
you're my angel, sugar pie~ such a fast update... and such a cute date... but holy moly is Sasori a horn ball. keep your paws to yourself for a moment, sheesh. as always, excited for mmmore!
chaann chapter 6 . 9/16/2016
gasppp. Deidara baby, ur getting in too deep. I like how nice your sakura is btw. its refreshing here in the sasodei section (even though most of the time she's used due to the lack of useable female naruto characters). super excited for the date chapter tho. bye bye see u next time bye bye kisses!
chaann chapter 5 . 9/13/2016
I was going to leave u a review the day of the update, but fanfic logged me out and I didn't feel like logging back in. now I did tho yay so yay for this update. I am loving this fic so hard. so ready for the future drama cause I can smell it already. drama cause you wanna hurt me good, baby.
LolzYukari chapter 4 . 9/6/2016
Ahh I'm so happy to see another update, this fanficition is so entertaining! Oh dear, the mess that Deidara has gotten himself in! I wonder if Sasori is going to clue in to the fact that Naruko knows too much about art for it to be just 'a relaxing class'

I really like where Hidans going down in this (Cause I'm really used to people writing him as a one note asshole)

Can not wait for more
chaann chapter 4 . 9/5/2016
oooooooh Sasori you sneaky peaky! congrats to Deidara for getting the information, yet my condolences for having to deal with all those emotions towards the sneaker peaker. every chapter leaves me dying for more and more development in their relationship. what you provide is never enough! can't wait for the next chapter (:
LolzYukari chapter 3 . 9/3/2016
I've got to say, I'm really enjoying this fanficion right now. I really like how Deidara acts in this and am really enjoying Sasori and Deidaras relationship, also really enjoying how awkward it is between Sasuke and Deidara.

Will Deidara go seek Hidan out?

Also this is for chapter 2

Sasori: Oho! Look at the balls on you miss Naruko!
Deidara: What?! What balls! I don't have balls!
chaann chapter 2 . 8/29/2016
I really love how realistic Deidara's female transition is. From the shaving to the tucking to the not wearing darn skinny jeans. It's also interesting to see Sasori's reactions to "Naruko" change when she's so... Peppy. what a grouch! can't wait for more interactions.
chaann chapter 1 . 8/29/2016
thanks to ff for logging me out an me being to lazy to log back in, this long overdue review had been delayed. It's one chapter in and this fic already sounds like a winner winner! it's interesting to see a older Deidara who is in his mid twenties rather than early as per usual.
Off to review chapter 2 I go!