Reviews for Here's a Bag So You Can Gag
Guest chapter 1 . 3/12/2019
O t
Fanoffanfiction chapter 1 . 3/3/2019
They are so cuuute!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/25/2019
happy I'm not the only one who sees this ship
Polly Little chapter 1 . 7/23/2018
Wow. You actually managed to write one of the most romantic things I've read.
Prophe-Cass chapter 1 . 12/30/2017
Yes, Takashi, destroy Lance. If he can't handle this, he can't handle having a girlfriend. Kill. Him.
(Shidge is sooo cute!)
Aphraelsan chapter 1 . 9/3/2017
I definitely thought I might be the only one to ship this, and I'm excited not to be! Love the whole story and especially the ending.
Dot Katherine Granger chapter 1 . 7/3/2017
Secondly, fanware? As in like, clothes and pins and stuff? Because I know how to sew, I've already had several commissions as a freelance graphics designer and I am fully capable of making clay figurines of people. In fact, I'm just generally arty!
So, if you need commissions doing I could take a look! Except I've recently burnt out the motor in my sewing machine because I decided to temporarily take it apart to use parts to make a robot for an art project, then I accidently put it back together wrong!
So yeah, sorry, I'm rambling! I love your work so much! As in, please become available author! I'd buy an your books!
MayMay7 chapter 1 . 6/2/2017
Ohhhh mah lord, more PRETTY PLEASE
NiniCere chapter 1 . 4/16/2017
Well I have to admit that I'm not the biggest shipper of this ship, but THIS IS SI CUTE AND FLUFFY!
Seabreeze27 chapter 1 . 2/8/2017
I LOVE YOU! Not in the way that Shiro and Pidge do but in the 'If you were a goddess in Ancient Rome/Greece I would be a dutiful handmaiden that would care for your temple and give regular sacrifices' kind of way cuz DAMN!
Your writing is fantastic!
Honestly, when I first came into this fandom I thought it would be Shiro and Allura all the way but than my heart did a 180 and suddenly I was looking up Shiro/pidge ships left and right and finding only a couple desert ones.
This is by far the best one I've read yet that is a clear Shiro/Pidge ship.
So, long story short, keep doing what your doing and I'll continue reading!
Your Loyal Handmaiden,
Assasin8 chapter 1 . 11/10/2016
Wow... This was a complete 180 from the last story I read from you... Whoa. But damn, you're a seriously talented writer! This was sooo adorable! I mean, I've been stalking your profile for a full day now, so I know that this is actually closer to your usual stuff, but the contrast right this second is something else XD I love how your portrayed this relationship from a bunch of different perspectives because I really do feel like everyone would seriously react this way to seeing Shiro and Pidge in a relationship. I especially loved Allura's little bit and the way she got exited about having another girl to play dress up with XD also their relationship is just really friendship and trust based, so it's just really awesome to see how domestic and caring they were to each other here _ I don't know if this ship or even this fandom is still something you're into right now, but if you do have head canons written down or want to explain your thoughts on the ship, I'm here and ready to listen (read...?) _
PrimesGirl93 chapter 1 . 10/30/2016
One of my new favorite ships! Hope you can write some more :)
JackieStarSister chapter 1 . 10/16/2016
This is the first romantic Pidge/Shiro story I've read … some bits do border on ridiculous, but there is also a fair amount of decent humor and clever writing and characterization. I liked Coran's line best!

There are some spelling/grammar typos. To name just a few: In the first sentence, there should be no apostrophe in "lets". I'm not sure what "Keith's has" is supposed to be. I think maybe "tap" was supposed to be "top"?

I was confused about the timeline of this piece. For instance, when Allura and Pidge were looking for dresses I thought it was for Pidge and Shiro's wedding (which Allura would definitely help her prepare for), and if it's not their wedding what is the occasion for the banquet?

I don't really imagine Matt having a problem with Shiro dating his sister, considering they were friends and Shiro has done so much to protect both Matt and Pidge. And I don't get the bit about Matt having a "new hero complex or two". Isn't a hero complex when you yourself want to be a hero?

I'm curious whether you have stories or headcanons for how Shiro and Pidge actually developed feelings and a romantic relationship. Have you written, or do you plan to write, about this?
geneee chapter 1 . 9/14/2016
This was so wonderful and adorable. I love your Voltron stories! Thank you for writing this!
Lamy Beldamy chapter 1 . 9/6/2016
Ah, teeth rotting fluff. Just what I need to grin for an hour straight.

Seriously, though, this is absolutely adorable!

Hope to read more from you soon!
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