Reviews for Awkward Ascension
Guest chapter 1 . 7/1
Ma guy you really outdone yourself with this.
Kitty in the Box chapter 1 . 10/12/2019
that sure was quite funny in a desperate scenario. love it.
LegendOfDave chapter 1 . 3/19/2017
Bro this is a funny turn of events. One plot hole. There isn't any sound in space.
GoldenKingOfUnlimitedBlades chapter 1 . 3/2/2017
Maybe make this into a two shot? Please?
Riddle Wraith chapter 1 . 2/19/2017
That was hilarious. Also, I kind of love it actually. Holy shit! Honestly, adding Beerus was just the icing on the cake (that he never got to eat).
gabelou1991 chapter 1 . 8/27/2016
Pas mal comme indication pour le SSJ1.
Ultimate Lucy Fan chapter 1 . 8/25/2016
Sooo, I was sitting around on my lunch break when this beauty came along and I DO mean a beauty! You did a fantastic job with this fic! I really am amazed, especially since you say this is your first attempt at one; well from now on you should call this your first success since that is what it is!

I will admit going into it that I was expecting a little action with a future Bulma :"P but by NO means am I disappointed with what I ended up finding instead! Writing a lemon is one thing, we can all do them to certain extents, but the comedic premise that this is, is much more! As noted in the A/N that REALLY is the way to awaken someone. "Hey, Trunks, I have been banging your mom every night" Yeah I think that will do it XD Although in all respects I think the actual act itself probably would have been enough to get Gohan to SSJ2, but I digress.

Here you took a VERY good opening made in the show and turned it into something big. Really I was surprised with how long this story is for what the joke is. Most writers would end this at about 1,200 words, but you didn't. You made this more than the joke. You have story, characters, a quick fight. One of my favorite parts was that little 'eating out' quip Gohan made to Bulma in passing, oh that lucky bastard, if I were doing Bulma I would revel in it too! XD The joke itself was well led up to even if you based the premise on a episode of abridged, which there is nothing wrong with. For me a special part was when Lord Beerus (yes he is LORD Beerus other readers) and Whis appeared on Planet Freeza 419. Again, if there is any sound that could reach that far it would be THAT kind of revelation from a saiyan XD

It was great seeing 17 and 18 disposed of in short order, I always feel sad seeing bad things happen to future 18 given how nicely the present one turned out, but here she is a monster and so she got fried. Nice of Trunks to get all the credit, in fairness I think he deserves it. He went SSJ for the first time, nearly died twice, found out his best friend and mentor is LITERALLY destroying his home while pounding his (smoking) hot mom and ALL in one day! He's the hero, and whenever future Cell shows up Gohan can just tell him about the 'other' things he and Bulma do to make him ascend XD

The ending was perfect. Everyone was happy, the Earth was saved, Trunks was comfortable, and Gohan could finally be open about his affection for the lovely CC milf, just so long as he doesn't cop any feels while Trunks is around!

You did an amazing job on this! My hat is (right now) off to you! Keep up the good work and I look forward to whatever you write next! :D
Axel Davis chapter 1 . 8/23/2016
Lmao this was great
Smithback chapter 1 . 8/22/2016
I liked it a lot.. but yes, there could have been more comedy.. still great.