Reviews for The Green eyed Devil
Guest chapter 3 . 11/19/2019
I feel I need to correct axe here... the dragon aspects use to hold extreme amounts of power over there aspects. Thus deathwing the earth warden can literally at full strength if he so wished tear the world in 2. In the games there portrayed as being weak or down right useless. But in the old lore, and in the time before the age of men so to speak they were basically gods. Not so sure about alexstraza with the power of life in a human tho. I mean it could be possible just not something one would think of right off the bat tho.
Anyways good work hope to see more of these one day!
Axccel chapter 3 . 8/14/2019
Uhhh, Alexstrasza has nothing to do with people reproducing or whatever. She doesn't really do anything. That's kinda why Dragon Aspects being killed isn't a big deal in Warcraft. They have power over their aspect, but rejecting them doesn't cost you anything. Besides, I get the feeling Jaina wouldn't care about losing the ability to have children anyway. On top of that, the healing power of the stone would have corrected that anyway. In any case, the dragons never do anything (except when they make things worse).
Axccel chapter 2 . 8/14/2019
Harry IS a name, it's Austrian. It is not inherently a nickname. Also, nice to see someone realized that Illidan didn't betray anyone (well, until after everyone else had betrayed him multiple times, at least). In fact, he was quite the hero. But, of course, Malfurion was praised instead..for, uh, some reason. Even the novels aren't clear on why anyone would think highly of him. It was Illidan blasting hordes of demons with magic and was basically a literal one-man army.
EIpy chapter 3 . 11/20/2017
This idea is certainly interesting. I would like to see how all these events connect together and how Harry became the way he is now.
Getzeye Dragon1 chapter 3 . 10/1/2017
Oh wow. that was dark...
Iskandar06 chapter 3 . 1/11/2017
It seems really interesting
Acolyte of the Blood Moon chapter 3 . 12/6/2016
Wow, that was cruel. Poor Jaina...
Parry Otter Suck chapter 1 . 11/25/2016
Warcraft is a good fanfic. I don't get why people add Parry Otter on it So distasteful and childish
Gasel chapter 3 . 11/20/2016
Amazing story, hoping for more little sad about jaina, loved her as jainathrall forever
Slimjim77 chapter 2 . 11/16/2016
Damn, harsh price.
DeliciousCookie chapter 3 . 11/13/2016
Interesting, liking it so far. It's very different from other fanfictions and I hope you'll keep updating it! :)
Eurigos chapter 3 . 11/9/2016
Very interesting, I Look forward to more chapters
deadal chapter 3 . 9/28/2016
nice! will you do a bad guy next? gol'dan, kel thuzad or arthas?
C.M.Alm chapter 3 . 9/24/2016
great so far! a few grammatical errors here and there but still an awesome fic!
mistbornlax chapter 2 . 9/22/2016

your fanfiction is an enjoyable read, but I'd really like to know WHY Harry is a total asshole/douchebag? Why help Illidan only to take away the only thing left to him:

His reputation as a fierce fighter and as a person willing to do whatever is necessary to achieve victory against the Burning Legion?

I'd really like to know - especially because that's not like Harry at all! I mean I like a Harry that takes charge and who's not totally selfless! On the other hand:

A Harry who takes things from people that aren't even usefull (ok, the Sunwell would have been usefull to a magic user, I am sure, but Illidan's deeds and repuation? Why give that to others? It makes no sense at all!)

Well, that's my criticism!
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