Reviews for Stories of Seven Temples
Whitney Santiago chapter 2 . 5/17
Love love love these retellings of the LoZ history! I read many parts out loud to the hubby - we shall patiently await more _
Whitney Santiago chapter 3 . 3/10
Yeeeeeeeeah! He'd better be afraid of Shiek/Zelda!
Guest chapter 3 . 4/12/2017
Wow! This was very interesting to read, I love the world building you did, also the interactions between Darunia and Impa were pretty funny! Great job :)
DatNuttyKid chapter 3 . 4/8/2017
I really really like this a lot. Interesting Princess Zeldas are the best Princess Zeldas, and OoT!Zelda was sorely lacking in that department - but this is quickly fixing it! Which is doubly amazing since that's not really even the main focus of the story; of course, the temple stories are just as interesting. I'm a little curious why the man in the story of the Temple of Light was named Rauron and not Rauru (since we're led to believe that Rauru was also trapped in the Temple of Light), and I'm not quite sure whether or not the Darunia in the tale was the Darunia we know or merely his namesake (canonically, it's his ancestor, but you did state in the first author's note that there are deviations from canon), but those "holes" make the legendary tales seem more realistic and as though Impa is really the ones telling them. Long story short, you have done an excellent job and I can't wait to read more!
PoignantNonsense chapter 2 . 10/3/2016
The Poe sisters! I love them seriously. I'd never imagined they were the ones to kill each other though. I guess I always thought they were basically brought back by Ganondorf to haunt the Forest Temple, like the other monsters in the forest and in Kokiri village. Good chapter, can't wait for whichever temple comes next, though i'm guessing it's fire.
x0chu0x chapter 2 . 9/29/2016
Wow... The first chapter left me a little sceptical but damn the second one is awesome ! I love the dark atmosphere, the details like the bow, the paintings, everything ! It fits so perfectly with the feeling of the Forest Temple before Link clears it... I just wish the torches had played a little more important role in the sisters' plans. Great work !
PoignantNonsense chapter 1 . 8/16/2016
oh yes! Here we are diving into lore again. Love it. Love the interactions between Zelda and Impa, so cute.