Reviews for Nevermore Sweetling
rand0mlyther3 chapter 61 . 7/26
Also are you going to keep using jaune as a mcguffin, or is he going to get some screen time, character development etc. caus honestly, the way that you use him sparingly, and the ridiculous insignifigant effect on the plot is kind of just boring. yes i understand that you like qrow, and yes he is actually a pretty fun character, but if he is the chosen one, should'nt he be doing chosen one things, not just sitting in his castle waiting to be rescued from what is essentially bowser. I mean, then the whole Devorhak plot might as well be scrapped, because up until now, it has no real effect on the story or any of the other characters growth or interactions.
rand0mlyther3 chapter 63 . 7/26
Soo...just one question. What happerned to Jaune?
SuperSaiyajin4Vegeta chapter 63 . 7/10
Can't wait to see how the battle goes.
rand0mlyther3 chapter 62 . 6/18
Question for everyone. Where in the hell did Jaune Go?
AzraelSaint chapter 62 . 6/17
HAHA Qrow finally just saying fuck it and going for the prize
SuperSaiyajin4Vegeta chapter 62 . 6/17
Well that's been a long time coming.
Travis Dooley chapter 62 . 6/17
Great chapter. Keep it up
SuperSaiyajin4Vegeta chapter 61 . 6/9
Haha, get wrecked. I just realized we still don't know what really happened to Ignis.
AzraelSaint chapter 61 . 6/8
Not gonna lie when I started reading I thought we were being fucking pranked you cheeky bastard lol
SuperSaiyajin4Vegeta chapter 60 . 5/29
I'm guessing that's another time skip. WTF HAPPENING?
SuperSaiyajin4Vegeta chapter 59 . 5/22
I gotta say, my reaction was similar to Qrow. I wonder what's going on here.
rand0mlyther3 chapter 59 . 5/21
I see that Crygaia was your inspiration.
darkvampirekisses chapter 59 . 5/20
*Intense Groundhog Day vibes appear!*
AzraelSaint chapter 59 . 5/19
Holy shit its groundhog day
SuperSaiyajin4Vegeta chapter 58 . 5/6
Well. That was an unexpected ending. I wonder if Salem realizes the extent of what she did.
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