Reviews for Tea'sing All The Way Through
Alice Phantomhive011 chapter 10 . 9/14
I am in for this ride, this fic is just way too good, And you might update twice a year, but I think this is worth it.
sarge1130 chapter 10 . 7/11
Oh boy, who doesn't want to see or touch Law's tattoos? It's interesting how Luffy is so straightforward in saying that things he wanted and desired while Law always had second thoughts in everything. Law is such a tease (lol). Yep, he knows how Luffy is enjoying the view so much, and here he is giving him free access. Law is just so comfortable with his own body most especially his tattoos but so awkward in telling others what he really wanted. Hmm, maybe because he is receiving compliments regarding his tattoos and his body but then receiving criticisms when he speaks something truthfully (especially when it is a painful truth). Also, I think Luffy somehow knows what is going on in Law's mind but was too shy to say it so he puts the initiative to say that he is always welcome to do it again with him :).
I think this is my first time seeing Law so fully alive. From the previous chapters, Law felt like he is dragging himself everyday to study or to stay alive thus making him grumpy and annoyed. It's amusing that introducing Luffy into his life can leave a huge impact to him.
It's funny how Shachi is the one who is most interested in Law's love life. I think the other guys wanted to know it too but it was Shachi who is brave enough to ask.
It's interesting how Law notices some changes in Luffy. Yes, I kind of agree with his observations. Although, Luffy is trying to move on and is somehow doing well, sometimes it will take years for others to get over from the grief. Sometimes pain makes you stronger and becomes more mature in the process. I love the scene wherein they are painting Luffy's wall. It was like they are making a new chapter of their life even though the label between them is just an 'alliance'.
I have a thought too that when every time Law and Kid meets, no matter that it started with a good drink or conversation, it will always end up with a fight. It was not like proving each other's ego or dominance, it was more like they wanted to lay off some steam.
Oh, the smut is so sexy. I love it! It was just a turn on when Luffy says that he wanted to do a cowboy and yes, there he is saying the things he really wanted to do with Law is just so sexy. So glad that they had finally done it :).
Aww, why does the chapter always ended with a bittersweet feeling? (lol). Though it was nice that Law is there to help and that he chooses to stay even though Luffy resisted. Anyway, it was just nice that at lease they cuddle and snuggle in the end.
Thanks for the update :D and I hope you always stay safe and healthy.
Annie de Odair chapter 10 . 7/6
Hello! I have a lot to say about this fanfic and everything messed up in my head. I hope I can put it in order, haha. I started reading it three days ago and I feel like I really devoured it. When I read in your notes that you wanted to write a fanfic where the important thing was the connection between them, how they know each other and are generating a strong bond, I felt that this was what I wanted. It always seems very flashy to me in fanfics and I always want that when two characters fall in love they don't do it instantly or as if it were a magical moment, but rather form a bond little by little and get to know each other in all their depth. I feel like that happened with Luffy and Law here and of course this is a story way beyond romance. The romance is there and we all enjoy it but the story is much more than that. The story is about bonds of friendship, deep connections, wounds, and mutual company. Luffy and Law have a really deep relationship and love came through that but it's not just what defines them.
I also like how real everything is. There are so many descriptions, everything the characters feel is very vivid. Everything is very visual. The feelings manage to cross the letters and came directly to me. I laughed, enjoyed, and cried. I read until seven in the morning and was distressed with Law. I read during the afternoon, between virtual meetings, and I laughed with Luffy. I also write, fanfics and other things and I am a journalist, and I know that the important thing about a text is that emotions come to you when you read it. That you do not leave the text being the same as you were when you reached it. Something had to have changed in you after reading something to have a true experience.
I feel like I really had it with your fanfic. It made me want to write, to think about them, to smile and cry at the same time and that, I think, is the most beautiful thing I felt for a fanfic, a book, a journalistic note.
The characters really are beautiful. I love how Law is obsessed with having everything under control in his mind and at the same time he can't help but feel attracted to the lack of control that Luffy turns him into. I love that Law is so protective, so full of love, even if he doesn't admit it, by anyone who needs it. He said it was because it made him feel powerful, but I think it is because he really wants to protect people, he really wants to feel protected himself and at the same time that feeling drives him crazy, because he is not used to being the protected one. I loved his relationship with Shachi, how despite all the flaws that the two have —as normal and real human beings— the two have a deep bond of mutual understanding. I loved with all my heart the scenes where they went out at night and ended up sleeping in someone's house in a camp of sheets on the ground, or when they waited for the bus on the sidewalk. I feel that all of these are things that I have experienced many times. So natural, so common.
My language is not English either, where are you from? It caught my attention that you mentioned the bidet in the bathroom because in my country and my region (Latin America) it is very common, but in many other countries (countries where most English fanfics are) there is no longer! It was a detail that meant something to me.
You really touched a fiber in me, I did not come out the same as I entered to read you. I am touched and very excited. I am also publishing a fanfic of the two of them with the basic premise that building a strong and deep bond is more important than romance and that is why I feel that this story deeply impressed me. Thanks for writing and I hope you are safe at this time! Take care of yourself and I send you all my affection and a big hug.
Black as Absinthe chapter 10 . 6/11
It took me so long to finally be able to read this chapter, but daaammmn I wish I was able to do it sooner! It was so so so good! Once again your writing is amazing, so don't worry about the quality! I loved every second of it, Law converting, the smut, the inner conflict, Luffy after waking up, all of it!
I can't wait for the next chapter, but I will happily wait for as long as you take to update. I hope you stay safe too, and that your life at home gets less stressful!
Thank you for the update!
flyingtree chapter 9 . 4/14
I finally made a fanfiction account just so I could comment on this story! Oh god, I am so obsessed with this story right now. You've managed to give me butterflies. Reading it makes me feel like I am in university again and falling in love for the first time. You are so, so talented in conveying that mood of meeting someone strange, new, and exciting, and slowing falling in love-and the complicated emotions that often come with it. I'm not usually one for reading slow-burn fanfiction, but you made it SO worth it. May I also say that your technical skill in writing has markedly improved just between the first and latest chapters. Very impressive and rapid growth! The talent was always there, and now your skill is also approaching that same level of mastery. Anyway, I can't wait for the next chapter-but take your time! Stay safe during this strange time 3
RavenMocker6 chapter 9 . 12/25/2019
Oh wow, very well done.
The emotion in this is outstanding.
You've made me laugh, cry, and get frustrated all at the same time.
Please continue soon, I'm addicted.
Thank you
zolulaw chapter 9 . 11/19/2019
Okay this is officially MY FAVORITE LAWLU FANFIC EVER!

It's so well written and cute and angsty all at the same time. I had a day off and I spent all day reading, took me just a day and a half to finish, I couldn't stop reading. The slow burn was killing me. Seriously, such a great job. I hope you decide to update it whenever you can 33
sarge1130 chapter 9 . 8/25/2019
This was such a roller coaster of emotions. At first everything is going to turn out fine and then just like a speeding truck, it just demolish everything along it’s track. Both of them are trying to release their fury brewing up inside by having casual fucking but in the end they are just hurting themselves even more.
However, I love it they ended up with a ‘fucking’ alliance. Alliance my ass, LOL. Anyway, I am just enjoying reading the sweet and slightly sexy LawLu moment here. Thanks so much for the updates :D.
sarge1130 chapter 8 . 8/25/2019
I’m just so happy when you had updated earlier than I had expected but then I got confused later. I think it was supposed to be the 12th chapter but the story indicated it’s the 9th. I thought you had deleted some of the chapters but I noticed that it is really a new chapter, so I ended up binge-reading all the chapters just to see if there are some changes. LOL.
Reading this whole thing up is such a good decision since I had understand clearly both Law’s and Luffy’s situation. I love it how you inserted Luffy’s POV (lol, I don’t remember if the original had Luffy’s) and that you also inserted Monet in the picture. However, I also got frustrated with Law’s breakdown issue and I got irritated how insensitive Law’s friends. I almost wanted to insert myself into the picture and then I thought that maybe they do care but they’re not sure how to approach him knowing that he will just reject it.
Law and Luffy are kind of similar in this aspect. They are willing to carry the weight of responsibilities on their shoulders even though it’s quite heavy for them to carry it alone. Even though this is a modern AU, this personality is described too in OP. However, in their end, they don’t accept help and would rather go into the process of self-destruction while showing others that they’re okay.
I just love it how Luffy declares that he will Law fall for him. LOL! It was like in OP how he declares that Lais is his Nakama giving no room for Law to have his insights regarding it.
Allykrau chapter 9 . 7/27/2019
Finally something positive happened xD haha loved it!
RRon2k chapter 9 . 7/27/2019
It's 5:30AM but I just had to read this when it updated! Even when I knew it would take me forever to read! Great chapter as always, and I'm happy to see their relationship become so natural. It was a nice break from all the disaster
Allykrau chapter 8 . 7/15/2019
Man all this angst is killing me xD lol loved the chapter!
LikeAPro42 chapter 8 . 7/14/2019
Poor Law, I kinda wanna give him a hug to make him feel better...
RRon2k chapter 8 . 7/14/2019
Oh damn,,, oh shit,,, I was happy about this updating but,,, fuck,,,,
green patate chapter 7 . 6/26/2019
I think it is not a problem if your chapters don't come often, no need to apology ! Your fanfiction is so cool that I've readed it two times, that's a beautiful story, and I'll be glad to read the future chapters, whenever they come :)

(Sorry if some of the sentences have no sense, I'm not very good in writting English)

Thank you for this
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