Reviews for The Meaning of Family
ladyquinte chapter 1 . 1/1
I read it backwards, children of the sea first and then meaning of family. I saw the fanart of fem!marco and they called her marko, I guess. She was in undercut just like original marco and I thought of Ruby rose. She is badass she is gorgeous in her undercut. You didn't mention any (cmiiw) specific hairstyle but since you mentioned (I think?) the fanart I thought of that one right away.
When I read the line of 'always faking her age' (kinda sounds like that) in children of the sea, I thought of the opposite: she was way older than she said (to keep a job before meeting Newgate), moreover not having period anymore thing. I see that I got it wrong. She was younger back then and still a minor. It happened decades ago hence she was way older when Ace came along the crew. Just saying. It's not that important.
Amazingly written fic again, and I lov the characterization. Totally the way I picture how Newgate will think and do but probably that's because your fics are ones of the few (compared to the abundant SHP sure) I can find about WBP. I love them all. Thank you for writing these gems.. it is great to find such high quality in the rarest characters
Rainbow D. Jay chapter 1 . 8/19/2017
I love genderswap stories. Fem!Marco is soo cool!
Brokenwingedcat chapter 1 . 8/16/2017
I think that the story was we'll put together. Not my cup of tea, but nicely written all the same.
Lazy Ninja Pirate chapter 1 . 11/23/2016
Nice. (:
lilyoftheval5 chapter 1 . 11/5/2016
Liked it.
Marco as a female was quite plausible and I can see Edward trying to be chivalrous and we some preconceived idea of a family .
Guest chapter 1 . 10/28/2016
I. I Love female Marco. Omg. This is sO GREAT I've found a diamond in the desert bRUh thank you for this blessing it is Much Appreciated. AAH, I need to go share this with my friendos!
MorbidRobin chapter 1 . 10/6/2016
Jay chapter 1 . 9/21/2016
Really cute; and I completely agree, Oda's idea that no women fight in Whitebeard's crew is bull. Very realistic with the compromise, and Marco is kick ass as always.
Stormy1x2 chapter 1 . 8/16/2016
Oh ho I loved this. Whitebeard's comment has always bugged me too, SO FREAKING MUCH. I'm not usually a big fan of genderswap fics (not against them, just not my general cup of tea) but the verbal slap was just so beautiful to read and SO MARCO, regardless of gender.

Awesomely done, as per usual. :)
Deathe chapter 1 . 8/15/2016
Ohhh, I love it! please keep up the good work
JarOfIdeas chapter 1 . 8/13/2016
I really love that Marco is a girl—err, woman here. More so that when you say that this was inspired by a fic of Anjelle—although I'm not into yaoi or yuri, I still like her writing style—I was very excited to read this. Turned out to be great and I wasn't disappointed about anything. True, Oda's comment was annoying... But I guess it had something to do with their culture in Japan. Women there are not quite treated as equally as they are in America or here in Philippines. Nevertheless, great fic.
AnyMoreBrightIdeasGenius chapter 1 . 8/11/2016
This is really awesome!
creepy-wolf chapter 1 . 8/11/2016
... i seriously love you so much right now 3 3
this is my new favorite fic, i love your ver. of fem!marco
and AceMarco, my favorite,

it's only one chapter and i'm already hooked, awesome job D
Black' Victor Cachat chapter 1 . 8/10/2016
Agree with you on Whitebeard and sexism. For my main OP fic, I am having the medical staff taking a more aggressive stance after Marineford

Smiled a bit at the first two jokes about what kind of family Newgate would make, turned out pretty accurate. Imagine what it would be like to have known him from when he was a shipmate?

I admit that "How you drunkenly behave around the waitresses" is a new way to do a character assessment, but seems to work

Good story, do hope you continue it, though maybe clarify FemMarco/Ace?
Guest chapter 1 . 8/10/2016
:3 Can't wait to see how Whitebeard's crew comes to be...with his oldest daughter, Marco, by his side! :D So excited to read more of this! :D
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