Reviews for Five Minutes
ShakespeareIsMyMuse chapter 1 . 4/10/2017
Whoa...just...whoa. Heart wrenching, tear-jerking and very macabre all at once. Beautiful; haunting, but very well written. I lost my brother a few months ago, so it probably wasn't the best idea for me to read a deathfic, but I'm still glad I did; I'm going to cry forever anyway.
Excellent work.
Though I will admit, I feel like a little bit of a freak, because right in the middle of my tears flooding my face, I actually laughed a bit when Danny told Steve that he needs to put his blood back so he can get better. I don't know if you were aiming for comic relief right in the middle of grief, but you nailed; at least in my personal opinion you did.
I look forward to coming across more of your works.
Cubit2 chapter 1 . 8/26/2016
This was amazing. Truly a terrific piece of writing. You have a gift to be able to say so much with a few words. The pain and heartbreak, the courage and fear, the love and sadness were all so palpable.
Leni-H50 chapter 1 . 8/9/2016
That was so sad. Good but sad.
Phoebe Miller chapter 1 . 8/3/2016
Welcome... Enjoyed your first endeavor.
Tracey450 chapter 1 . 8/3/2016
Welcome to the world of Hawaii Five-0 fanfiction. Loved this. A great piece of writing. The title gave away the fact that this was a death fic. Most writers give readers the heads up in the synopsis if there's a major character death. I'm looking forward to reading more from you.
sammie77a chapter 1 . 8/2/2016
Very, very well written. Excellent job but very sad. Made me tear up. Poor Danno, poor Steve. Write more!
julieb716 chapter 1 . 8/1/2016
Yikes! Wish you had warned it was a death fic. Poor Danny, poor Steve...
Aria E. Seymour chapter 1 . 8/1/2016
I love the way you incorporated the time! And the cargo pants made me laugh! This is so sad, but beautiful. Keep writing, coffeeamdcargopants ;) ~Aria