Reviews for Glass Jars and Forgiveness
ChoiGiGi chapter 1 . 10/22/2016
Oh babies what happened. why did the other do T.T
meltingrelations chapter 1 . 10/10/2016
This sent me in deep thought. good job!
DolbyDigital chapter 1 . 9/12/2016
I’ll be honest, I don’t fully understand the beginning section — I get that they’re arguing, and I suppose it sets up the next part, but I don’t know what they’re arguing about and I can’t tell if you left it deliberately vague or if I missed something. But it was well written — the only mistake I noticed was [not forgiveness so much as resign], which reads a little strangely; I think perhaps [resignation] might read better.

However, I absolutely loved the second section, especially with how you used the prompts. I thought that was an interesting idea. I also really liked the imagery in this fic (though I misunderstood the [protruding spine] part at first, so that created some confusion, too). Overall, though, I thought this was a nice read.
CUtopia chapter 1 . 9/5/2016
I think this was a nice piece, showing their normal routine after a fight. The prompts were interesting, and I think you used them really well, creating a nice imagery with them.
One thing that caught my eye negatively while reading, though I guess it's a personal preference, were the short sentences (they disturbed the flow a little bit in my eyes) and that they often began with "he" or the second word was Scorpius - it read a little bit repetetive. Also I wasn't too sure about some of the tenses, it sometimes seemed like you were changing needlessly sometimes.
The characterisations were done very well, especially Scorpius; they seemed very relatable. Their interaction was good too, and the insight you gave into their relationship was nice. I think you showed them well while dealing with a little crisis.
Well done!
Debs1990 chapter 1 . 8/6/2016
Wow. It seems that the love and happiness that Scorpius felt towards Albus has slowly been trickling away. I like how you have kept the reason for their argument a mystery and have focused on the aftermath when Al returns drunk. I got the feeling that Al does this a lot and Scorpius is now past caring and resigned to it. The saddest part for me was when Scorpius thinks about everything he hates about Al, but stays and gets back into bed, settling for what seems to be a life of unhappiness and putting his wish to travel on the shelf. Great job.
jiangcheng chapter 1 . 8/3/2016
As I've only recently gotten into this ship, I practically devoured this piece! The flow of the story is great and I commend you for not mentioning what they fought about. It's just another fight they had and the subject of the fight is not needed to make this 'more' interesting. More so, I felt as if this was not the first time Albus came home drunk, no doubt, because of a fight they had. I wonder if the glamour of being together with Albus has worn out to Scorpius. You see him tired and there's not much happiness about their situation, but I suppose the love he has for Albus makes him stay. (I hope.)
I really like Scorpius and Albus' characterizations because most people tend to write them like Harry and Draco, but that's not the case here. You could easily see that they are their own characters and it doesn't feel OOC at all. I didn't notice any grammar mistakes and I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. I think you used your prompts wonderfully, even if it did break my heart a bit! The dreams of them traveling but Scorpius wiping the away the idea hurt me. Especially when Scorpius started listing the things he had forgotten he hated about Albus, but still got into bed with him. Well done! :)
frances janvier chapter 1 . 8/1/2016
I can't coherently review this right now because AMAZINGNESS but my thoughts on this: {3 {3 {3