Reviews for Kirara's Adventure
AM78 chapter 11 . 5/14/2018
And so ends Kirara's adventure. Nice to see her back to her old ways at the end. Really what would Sango do without her?

Speaking of which that is something that was kind of ignored in this story. I was thinking all this time Sango must have been worried sick wondering where Kirara was. Kagome never went back to let her know she was in her time, and Sango had no way of knowing that was the case. I kind of expected her to be both relieved and a bit upset when Kirara came back, but this went unmentioned.

I actually felt kind of bad for Souta not getting to fly on Kirara in the last chapter. I think he had a valid point: Kagome let a total stranger fly on her, but not her own brother? I know that would make me mad.

It was kind of amusing how you brought the cat thieves back for one last misadventure. I didn't see that coming. Also it was kind of funny how the occupants of the shrine spent so much time talking about what to do before Kirara scared them off. Really it almost seemed like the police could have showed up before they finished talking about what their course of action should be.

Overall this was a well done story, if a bit repetitive with the threats Kirara kept bumping into. I think the early chapters were my favorite, especially when Kirara was introduced to the Higurashi household. I'll be sure to check out part II
AM78 chapter 9 . 5/8/2018
Well the last two chapters certainly were cute and touching. I like how you had Buyo at the center of it in addition to Kirara. At the same time though, I gotta say having Kagome deliberately reveal Kirara's true nature was a bit OOC. I don't think she'd do that, especially after Eri pretty much told her she knew the truth about Kirara right before this. Kagome doesn't seem the type to be letting this secret out with wild abandon.
AM78 chapter 7 . 5/4/2018
Very good descriptions here. Interesting how you started with Eri's point of view and then Switched to Kirara's recollection later on. You did a good job showing how protective Kirara is, even for someone she just met. Still like I said, it seems pretty hard for her to keep her cover now.
AM78 chapter 6 . 5/1/2018
Once again Kirara is around when she's needed. Still it's going to be kind of tough to maintain her cover now.
AM78 chapter 5 . 4/23/2018
Seems like Kagome should have done a better job explaining to Kirara the importance of pretending to be a regular cat around other people. As it now appears her cover is pretty much already blown. Anyway you did a really good job with all the characters. Kirara's meeting with Kagome's friends reminded me a lot of Inuyasha's meeting with them in the series.
AM78 chapter 4 . 4/23/2018
Another good one. Like I said, it was nice to see Souta get his time in the limelight.
AM78 chapter 3 . 4/20/2018
Kind of unfair to have Kirara in the competition. Not much a regular cat can do against one who not only has demon powers, but also the ability to understand humans talking to her. Also quite fortunate that the one cat show Kirara goes to just happens to be one that gets raided by thieves. Still this was amusing. Also nice to see Souta getting such a big role, since he never got to do much in the original series.

Your writing continues to improve. I didn't find any typos this time.
AM78 chapter 2 . 4/20/2018
You know before I read this, I didn't even know cat shows were actual events. But I googled this after reading and apparently they are. Probably not a great idea to bring Kirara to one as you'd think everyone there would notice she isn't a normal cat with her two tails and all, but I can understand Souta disregarding such thinking. The part about Kirara's hijinks with the tv was amusing as well. I was thinking she might turn into her demon form and attack the tv. Good restraint on her part not doing so.

Also this was better written then the last chapter. I only found one typo this time.
AM78 chapter 1 . 4/16/2018
Really good start. It's a real unique challenge to write from the perspective of a main character who is a sentient animal and you handle it really well. All the thing you had Kirara doing were exactly how I would expect her to act in that situation. Especially how she handled going to get Souta.

There were a few minor spelling and grammar errors, but nothing major. English is my first language and I've made worse errors then that. Still you might want to clean them up some day.
Guest chapter 11 . 12/10/2016
I love this story! It's so cute and funny and it was so cool to read something from Kirara's pov. :-D Plus; Awesome ending! Stupid Miroku
Guest chapter 10 . 12/10/2016
Nice twist to bring back the cat thugs! I am excited to see how this goes in the next chapter! Seams like maybe they might have a minor "big cat" problem soon ;-)
don redmond chapter 11 . 10/9/2016
Still a really nice story. Kirara was a little less confused about the future than I thought she would be, but then Takahashi-sensei did the same with Inuyasha. In particular the pollution in Tokyo.

However, realism aside I thought you a really good job and as someone else said Miroku deserves his punishment.

I think you have a future in the Inuyasha fanfic biz.
MissKitty35 chapter 11 . 10/9/2016
Miroku deserves what he gets. Thank you so much for this story.
LADY SILVERFOX aka charita rai chapter 11 . 10/9/2016
LADY SILVERFOX aka charita rai chapter 10 . 10/2/2016
have kiarra make them poop and pee their pants by scaring them off
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