Reviews for The Pentagram Thief
The Reality DumPer chapter 1 . 4/18/2017
Well that went serious real quick hahaha.
but that was entertaining.
Revengermajestyliberator chapter 1 . 8/3/2016
Ayyyy finally Love Live Sunshine also like did your work get copied? If so that sucks in the same line I hope no one steals my stories too...
Guest chapter 1 . 7/30/2016
I think the author may be playing on the irony you mentioned here and maybe he/she could be doing this just to raise awareness? Idk but it's nice that someone is trying to raise the concern of copyright. (To the reviewer below this one)
Psykoakuma chapter 1 . 7/30/2016
Copyright? LOL! For like a number of reasons.

First of all 'I don't own xxx' doesn't provide some kind of legal prophylactic effect against use without permissions (which you didn't declare anyway but that's totally fine). Rather it's an attempt to sort out any defamatory action as you are purposefully saying your writing doesn't represent any actual aspects of the characters. Not that it matters. If you were a viable legal target (aka money bag) you would face consequences no matter what verbiage you used.

But following up on this idea of value. I get that the prevalent idea on this site is 'I don't actually profit from writing anything so no harm no foul'. And this is where I lol at the irony here because you feel robbed when someone rips off your story. Yeah I get what you are saying. It's pretty shitty anyone would try to take your work and represent it as their own. But why do you feel that way? Because what you wrote took on a certain value. Enough that you would write this in response. So how can anyone say they don't 'profit' from using source material? It's pretty clear there is some kind of actual value involved.

Anyway I legitimately feel for you and support your position but at the same time I cannot ignore the irony here. Hey! You know what would be totally hilarious? If someone stole this fic and posted it as their own!