Reviews for Prism Love
Astrido chapter 4 . 7/17/2018
the case was really good and i love their interaction.
Sakihinata chapter 4 . 5/26/2017
I don't know how many times I've thought or written "They're so cute together~!" since I've discovered this pairing ;)
AppleBowl chapter 5 . 5/21/2017
I really love this fanfiction, everything from the start was just amazing 3
Blank chapter 2 . 1/14/2017
I really appreciate that the "dropping everything for the person you care about" wasn't achieved with "my relationship with this person matters more to me than this murder case so I'll just ignore/give up on it." It's not necessarily that Shinichi is willing to put someone else before his mysteries, which are huge part of his identity, it's that heists/spending time with Kaito is as exciting and enticing as any (other, if it's a heist) mystery. I'm not a huge fan of romances in which someone changes or gives up something fundamental about themselves in order to please someone else, so it was really refreshing to see the oft-used "you need to find someone you care about more than/as much as your obsession" pulled off so naturally. Usually it feels very forced and untrue to the character.
(I feel the same way about the [spoiler...warning?] fourth chapter's "not going in the ambulance so he can stay and work the case" thing. It was rational and pragmatic, since the injury wasn't life-threatening, and so surprisingly true to Shinichi's way of thinking that I was delighted. Even more so when he later admits that he really would like to go after him as soon as it's reasonable to. So rarely do I see caring and pragmatism balanced well. Turns out I did have more to say about that chapter, oops. I probably should have written these reviews in the right order).
In other words, I think you're very good at writing believable relationships that work well with the characters-like with Ran and Shinichi breaking up for realistic reasons like "building it up too much" and "realizing that problems that are there before you start dating are still there after you start dating" as well. Thank you for writing!
Blank chapter 4 . 1/14/2017
(Do I need to say something about a review having spoilers? Since it gets posted where others can see and I know some people check reviews before reading...probably not, but it felt rude to just start talking about cool parts of the story without saying something first)
Everything about the way the two of them handled this scenario and how they interacted with each other throughout was absolutely perfect, but I especially enjoyed the scene with Kaito manipulating the culprit into a full confession. It did a beautiful job of showing his own character and his thoughts on Shinichi's, as well as giving the reader a chance to think about what it means for their relationship. When Kaito owns that he is a liar (and doesn't feel bad about it) it brings to mind the fact that this is something both he and Shinichi know and are, at least to some extent, comfortable with. Their "imperfections" tend to actually contribute to why they like each other-Shinichi cares about mysteries, Kaito cares about keeping others from harm. Kaito personifies mystery and Shinichi devotes himself to keeping others from harm. It's nice to see someone write a legitimate example of loving someone for, not despite, their flaws-it's not easy to do, so it usually gets abbreviated to "I find this negative trait endearing." I like that you wrote Kaito so that he thinks Shinichi's singleminded focus on solving crimes (possibly to his own detriment) is more than cute, it's admirable. It's the kind of thing that makes me believe characters are really in love.
In other news, Kaito literally dodged a bullet with no more warning than the sound of it firing. And got someone else out of the way too. So, so cool.
I thought the beautiful opening for a proposal being ruined but Katio's "wanna make out?" was hilarious.
I think that's basically everything I wanted to say about this chapter, sorry to drop an essay on you. Thank you for writing!
madelita chapter 5 . 11/17/2016
Oh dear, it's been a while since I've read from you. But a friend recommended this fic, and since it's yours, I set my expectations high once again. It's good not to be disappointed~
Each chapter was something different, like a new flavour, and I loved them all. Blue is probably my favourite, though. I liked how even though this wasn't quite a slow burn thing (obviously, I suppose "), it felt natural and real. This is a way I can imagine it all happen. It was just that genuine.
Even though I don't ship these two as much as I used to a few months ago, you reminded me why I liked this couple so much, and I'm grateful for that.
Keep on writing and have a wonderful day!
Shana-Fujioka chapter 5 . 9/15/2016
Haha, I was wondering why I didn't write a review for the last three chapter's, until I realized that I didn't because I read them on AO3 and wrote one there. xD
Anyway, great story! :3
ilko chapter 4 . 8/20/2016
This is such an exciting chapter! I was holding my breath during the first one, too, of course, but this one felt just like a real episode that there was a special sort of glee to the suspense. *g* If only canon were about the adventures of Kaito and Shinichi with lots of flirting in between!
Hebiaczek chapter 4 . 8/20/2016
Oh I loved this! A very nice piece of deduction work there! I wish I was able to write like that! All of details of the case were perfect - the motives, the playout and the conclusion~! You did a marvelous job~! Keep on writing :)
YourOnlyWaifu chapter 3 . 8/14/2016
(Nosebleed) \(XoX)/
rootbeerandmusic chapter 3 . 8/13/2016
I really should be filling out paper work for school but I got too excited to wait! Kaito is ridiculous and I love him. I loved that kaito lied about the locks to stay in the room longer and i love even more then shinichi figured that out. overall i just thought that this was really funny and kind of cute in a way
Hebiaczek chapter 3 . 8/12/2016
Well apparently you should have been more specific if you wanted something else xD Giving you muses a free hand can end up... surprisingly ;) But this was fun~
YourOnlyWaifu chapter 2 . 8/6/2016
I think my heart just died! Thank you for this masterpiece! 3
Opal Spirit chapter 2 . 8/5/2016
Awwww, that was so cool! I really like it! It's so cute, and they're so cute! :D
Encryption System chapter 2 . 8/5/2016
Ahhhhh the fluff~~~~~~~! (Oh, yay, looks like I'm back to normal XD)

And that was quite the quick get-together, though most of the details had been glossed over. It still flowed really nicely though. :) Adding Hattori as a love-guru was a nice touch too.

Till next time~!

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