Reviews for SOS
Raven22292 chapter 18 . 6/14
Interesting turn. I’m looking forward to seeing where this story will go from there.
missyrod chapter 17 . 6/8
Awesome! This took a turn I wasn’t expecting!
uglyygurl22 chapter 17 . 6/3
its june the 3rd aaaaaa
Guest chapter 17 . 5/27
I’m hooked
LowkeyLowC chapter 16 . 3/27
This got dark fast. But its still good though. Keep iylt up stay safe. During the out break
missyrod chapter 15 . 10/31/2019
I really really love this fic. I wish you had kept it going but it’s never to late to start back up! In high hopes that you return
Random fangirl chapter 14 . 4/17/2019
Ahhhh a cliffhanger!
But it's a really good story so please update.
Aqua Rules chapter 12 . 8/20/2017
Damn what an emotional chapter! I hope this somehow works out.
Guest chapter 11 . 2/4/2017
I can't get enough of this story
Aqua Rules chapter 8 . 11/29/2016
Ahahahahaha! This story is great. Lol at Raven having the hickeys. Oh my! :P
Guest chapter 8 . 11/26/2016
ready for already! lol
Guest chapter 7 . 11/25/2016
The scene was really good. I love the tension between Rae and Gar, Gar's hatred for Jason, and Rae's attraction to Jason. The triangle is getting nicely established and I can't wait to see what happens next. How many more misunderstandings there will be before Gar comes clean and tells Rae he is single and wants to be with her. Please update when you can, I love this story.
Triphordy chapter 7 . 10/4/2016
I really, really love this story. The twist is done so perfectly that I, a strict fan of robstar relationships would love to see more. Keep it up.
Zaacna chapter 6 . 10/1/2016
Oooooo! The twist! I'm so excited and I can't wait for the next chapter!

My only suggestion is to read over the chapter before posting. There are a few things that are confusing because either a word is missing, like " So was it? How do you feel about our offer?" Jason asked as he stared at the interaction between the two .

" It's Logan actually, I took my dad's last name after my dad and Kori's mom split."

I kinda figure out what is being said, but something is missing.

Otherwise, I love this story and I'm so excited.

Thank you for writing this!
Zaacna chapter 5 . 9/28/2016
I enjoyed the beginning of this chapter. It was really well written and stayed in character. Also, the middle is good too. Beastboy getting jealous is cute. I just have a problem with the ending. Beastboy shouldn't have apologized. It was Raven who was in the wrong. When Beastboy told her his problem was that she was supposed to be his girlfriend and she was flirting with other guys and she said that she wasn't his real girlfriend and if he couldn't tell the difference between an adult conversation and flirting then he shouldn't be on the mission, that's where you lost me. Beastboy was ABSOLUTELY right! If anyone shouldn't be on the mission, its her. Raven is supposed to act like his girlfriend. It doesn't matter if she isn't his real girlfriend. For the mission, she's supposed to be acting like she's dating him and she didn't. She was in the wrong. Raven should have been the one to apologize because, like Beastboy said in a previous chapter, they had to act as if they are together in order not to be suspicious and she flirted with another guy. I'm not saying I don't like your story, just that Raven was definitely in the wrong. She should think about how she was acting and realize that she WAS blowing their cover, in that aspect, and that she should apologize and try hard to ignore or rebuff Jason on their next encounter. I'm not saying she should succeed because Jason is SMOOTH! But she has to try a lot harder and acknowledge that she could potentially jeopardize the mission if she keeps it up.

That's just where I had the problem, Beastboy being seen in the wrong when he's right.

Also, I know its going to end as BbRae, but shouldn't Beastboy have a thought about his current girlfriend, in regards to how he's acting with Raven? Maybe feel guilt or have to remind himself he's with Terra? If I hadn't read the first so chapters, I would assume he's single and just has a deep crush on Raven, then this smooth talker named Jason just comes in and is making him jealous because he's gotten closer to Raven in only five minutes.

This isn't a flame, just a critique. I really enjoy your story and I can't wait for the next chapter.

Thank you for writing this!
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