Reviews for Feeling This
Erik9393 chapter 13 . 10/19/2019
please update
cheryl24 chapter 13 . 12/19/2016
So what did he get her?
ViolentHugger03 chapter 12 . 10/26/2016
Becky got Rick Roll'd
Hitory-Chan chapter 10 . 9/11/2016
Ok, that had been one of the most erotics things that I had never imagined
kathy.dietrich.98 chapter 9 . 8/28/2016
oooh I think he likes it when she pulls his hair lmao
Sasha chapter 8 . 8/20/2016
You brought protection?"

Dean broke the kiss to look at her worriedly, "Why, are there bears out here or something?"

LMAO! I loved this story and I love this pairing. I feel like they could be a genuine couple on or off screen. Great job as always. I'm surprised more people are leaving reviews...your stuff is awesome!
rainwolf88 chapter 8 . 8/20/2016
This one shot is by far my favorite one! Great job with the others as well.
Adelove25 chapter 8 . 8/20/2016
Beautiful story I love it
Zanderlover chapter 7 . 8/15/2016
Why don't you have more reviews!? This is so great! I have read and loved every one of these little Becky and Dean ( Bean ? ) stories from you but I think this last chapter is my favorite so far. It really shows how much your writing has progressed and matured. I love Becky and Dean together and there is not enough stories about them out there so when I stumbled upon yours especially the more romantic ones, I ate it up like candy! LOL! Becky and Dean were so cute in this chapter with each of them liking the other but afraid the other doesn't like them back in that way. I also really liked the way you wrote Charlotte in this chapter. She was so funny. I would love a friend like her! I hope we see lots more Dean and Becky from you! I really enjoy your writing! One question though. Have you ever thought about writing an actual Dean and Becky smut chapter? I'd be interested to see what you could do with something like that! Either way, great job on this and great to see someone else likes Becky and Dean together! I've been a fan of theirs for awhile now, but it's really escalated since she came out to the ring and couldn't stop smiling at him when he won the WWE championship! :-)
kathy.dietrich.98 chapter 1 . 7/27/2016
wonderful, so cute 3