Reviews for Usagi
HashtagJustMonika chapter 1 . 3/9
I love Rabbit so very much!
Mernom chapter 1 . 8/30/2019
Finally some more clues about what the shit exactly is going on!
4Dpuyopuyo chapter 1 . 5/1/2019
Oh man rabbit gets more terrifying and bizarre every time we see him
AlwaysEager chapter 1 . 6/1/2018
When he started being creepy, I questioned if perhaps Orochimaru got the ultimate revenge - which would be a really interesting read actually.

Still really good. It makes one really appreciate the sweet, accepting Minato.
Hookedonthesky chapter 1 . 8/22/2017
So, I was just scrolling around, looking for something to read, when I remembered this and came for a reread. Honestly, I don't know why I've never reviewed, as I think this must be my favorite of your one shots. Or at least, the one that had the most impact on me. I've tried a couple of times to talk about this story to other people (sadly, with not much success as it is really hard to explain Lily - but at least I think I've gotten across some of the point).

First of all, it is so amazingly chilling. Lily likes to lie to herself, or at least pretend extreme cheerfulness, and it makes it all the more chilling when she finally has to accept that something is wrong. And the way she views the other, "beta Konoha" is so sad, because it is much worse but that's how it's supposed to be. And what Rabbit said about Minato, it's true, she really did take everything from Minato - his reputation and his family, and it's interesting to think about that if Minato knew all the facts when he summoned Death during the Kyubi invasion, would he still go through with it? Because he did it for Konoha but he did it also for Naruto, and Naruto might not even exist because of that (if we ignore How I met your Other Mother).

That last scene when Lee said that she would so anything for Minato is also pretty amazing.

And, what I like the most about this fic probably, is the Schrödinger's Cat theme. I'm actually studying physics at University, and there are some theories or postulates or facts that are just so fascinating when you think about them. Like when you think of the consequences of the speed of light being invariant, or, the Schrödinger's Cat (though we still haven't done much quantum mechanics, that's for next year). I love seeing it used in literature, and I think you've done an amazing job here.
Luna Bass chapter 1 . 1/1/2017
Darn, now this has me thinking about/wanting a story in which Lily/Lee fully realizes *everything*, including seeing Rabbit for what he is... Or maybe these implications are solid and terrifying enough.

I wonder what Anna Jones would think of Lily, Lee or Rabbit...
Magyar chapter 1 . 8/15/2016
Is this foxy kid a foxy rabbit in truth ?
mar888 chapter 1 . 8/15/2016
Can you do one about Lee's students?
FreelanceBum chapter 1 . 8/13/2016
I thought Minato was replaced by Rabbit, and I noticed the name of the fic which I mentally translated to "bunny" but I somehow didn't combine those two facts in my head.

I apparently am retarded today. I've also made it a quest to read most/all of your side fics as I always love them... I just really don't like fics less than 20k which is why I haven't yet.
Wedylai chapter 1 . 8/13/2016
Dang, Rabbit tends to go wild without his universe's Potter around.
SergeantMeow chapter 1 . 8/12/2016
Oh my god, I am a dumb. I read this and forgot to review, and it was specifically my prompt. I am a heel, and I apologize deeply.

So, okay. That was actually kind of terrifying. I really enjoyed it! It gave us a glimpse of depth to Rabbit that we so far have been unable to see, and it really struck home a lot of your warnings for how dangerous and scary Rabbit actually is. How enigmatic he's been has always been a selling point for what an interesting character he is, but actually providing him motivations peels back that thin layer of appeal and reveals just how inhuman he really is. Which is exactly the kind of thing I was hoping to see. A lot of that gets buried since Lily as a narrator is somewhat untrustworthy because of her unique interpretation of reality and the best way to navigate it, so showing us more of Rabbit's character through actually overt actions was a great way of doing things.

I'm also extremely appreciative of how well this ties in with the main MNDW story, to the point that I'm erring on the side of "Could definitely be canon though the likelihood is in question." Having Lily remember her motivations for kicking off this entire chain of events and providing us with those reasons was extremely striking, especially with the amount of emotion and humanity she put into her reasoning. If those are indeed her true feelings on the matter, then this would represent a depth for Lily that has rarely if ever truly been seen in any of your iterations of Lily, because she for one was absolutely frank with her feelings, and it revealed a passion and caring that makes me connect with her character. It humanizes her, whereas before she has struggled very much to connect with the aspect of herself that is still human.

And in closing, Springtime of Youth Lee is Best Lee. The adventures of a Gai clone with the powers of a literal god are something that I'm sure are incredibly amusing.

Overall, a very entertaining read, and very well done. Thank you for the good time!
Silvanon of the Orchard chapter 1 . 8/5/2016
I didn't like this one as much most of the way through, but right there at the end was really good, so I liked it after all. Also, pirate Sakumo. XD
Nobody Smurf chapter 1 . 8/2/2016
Beautiful and disturbing at the same time. Like Lee and Rabbit.

Thank you.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/1/2016
Amazing ! ;)
stubs1101 chapter 1 . 7/28/2016
so i kinda stopped reading your story but i saw this one and it was great and i really loved it thanks!
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