Reviews for Lament
Joker's Favor chapter 1 . 9/1/2008
Aw *sniff* yeah okay it's official, your use of dialogue is very impressive. I find the dialogue comes out completely natural and very much in character (well from what I remember of the characters ;), I can really see the scenes playing out as I read. And the "...Idon'thateyoueither." made me giggle XD~
Alcapacien chapter 1 . 2/22/2004
I REALLY LIKED IT! To bad it isn't gonna be continued...
ArtOfHowWeGrieve chapter 1 . 1/3/2004
Aww, this story was so sweet and even tho it was short, it was not pointless.I thought what happens between Kyou and Yuki is so kawaii. Great job with this
aya chapter 1 . 10/13/2003
If this is your first story, I hope to read more of your work. You had the characters down pat, and never over did it in the sap or angst. Though, you were straining to get your point across in some places almost too obviously. What lies unsaid speaks louder than words ever could.
could I be you tonight chapter 1 . 8/28/2003
[sniffle] That was so sad... But so sweet in the end. ]
R Junkie chapter 1 . 6/3/2003

That was really nice. Kyo comforting Yuki. Could happen. But what would Haru say about it? lol. Great story.
Shinigami's Voice chapter 1 . 4/28/2003
Found ya!

Hi there, Li-chan, fancy meeting you here, ne?

Welcome to the ffnet. As a FB writer, that is.

Oh, i luv your story. Ne, you received my mail, don't you?

i thought you were going to like Kyo over Yuki, but now i happily discover that, just like me, you like both!

This fic is really good, pretty nice work, well done and all that. i like the way you pictured them, specially Kyo. Smooth.

Oh, i also think Tohru shouldn't end with one of them, it would cause just more trouble.

Say, it's not yaoi but it's got some shounen ai like! Cute couple.

Well, that's it. Keep writing, i'm gonna be right here cheering you up!

Blueraingurl chapter 1 . 3/20/2003
this was great! that's exactly how i feel that kyou would comfort yuki- sometimes you dont need words to comfort someone- it was just touching that kyou was able to help Yuki, even if it wouldnt take all of Yuki's hurt away.

Anyways, this was extremly sweet and believable and heartaching ( poor Ayame- i liked how you described everything. thanks for sharing your fic.
Groovy Dudette chapter 1 . 3/3/2003
::sniff:: ::sniff:: that was beautiful. I thought they were in perfect character. It was a very interesting look at at thoes tow characters and their relationship. Man toward the end of the fic I could hardly read it because my eyes were full of tears. :,-) I loved it, its going in my favs.

-Stay Groovy
Sara Jaye chapter 1 . 2/11/2003
Awww! ;_; Poor Yuki...this was so sweet!
Jared chapter 1 . 2/4/2003
Hey there. _ The new year's break is over, and I finally had time to breathe. _ Well, I'm not sure about the storyline (seeing I've never heard of the anime _;;) but I think it was a pretty good story. _ Perhaps what I liked most about it was the way you made the actions mean more than they appeared to. I mean, a hug wasn't just a hug- it was a sign of reconciliation. _ I thought the little details like that were nicely done. _ Still, I might be reading into it more than I ought to. _;; You know how I can get. _;;

Oh, but one thing which I think may need some working on would be the punctuation. I was told that after the ... thing (what ever it is called), a space is needed, just like the use of the comma. I'm not sure about the - though. _ Maybe you should check it out?

Well, I've got to run. _ Hope you write something else soon. _ Hopefully, it'll be CCD, but hey, anything's pretty good. _
rokusan chapter 1 . 2/4/2003
That was a really sweet fic. You explored and deepened out the characters of both Kyou and Yuki pretty well. Keep writing!
Sabam chapter 1 . 1/30/2003
Hey this is Sam! (Chrissy's friend)

Eheh heh heh ... this is my first Fruits Basket fic ... that I read I mean and it kicked a$$! Go yOU! M'yes ...

I am OK, if you're wondering. So yes, good job! And NO it shouldn't be taken as SHONEN-AI! KYOU IS STRAIGHT! *hugs a chibi doll of Kyou* I am not very fond of Yuki ...

I like Kyou though!
Iris C chapter 1 . 1/29/2003
Oh didn't kill Ayame. Oh no, please don't let it be a one shot and bring him back. Oh no...did I mention I adore adore adore Ayame? _
Unseen Watcher chapter 1 . 1/28/2003
*blinks rapidly *

You really know how to embarass a person. I'm sitting in a library, and people look at you strange when you start sobbing out of the blue.

It was a beautiful story. Thank you.
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