Reviews for Harry Potter and The Marriage(s) of a Lifetime
williamhaysjr chapter 1 . 6/16
yes, Star Trek Next Generation: Patrick Stewart: Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Captain of the Stargazer, Enterprise-D, Enterprise-E and the borg know as Lucusious.
Lerris chapter 1 . 5/29
I read this up till the point of one of the older women seeming to accept it really quickly. I'm not sure if she was serious or not, but, well, while the premise is novel, it is also kind of weird and a bit disturbing, particularly with Gabriel added into the mix somehow. Skimming a bit, it looks like the actual marriages are somewhat delayed for some years, so there is that I suppose.

Writing wise, it seemed basically fine. One other way to think of this stuff, is basically if the head of the family can force their offspring to do this kind of thing, then they can force them to do almost anything, which means all an evil guy has to do is coerce/trick the head of the family to sign over his entire family as minions, then rinse and repeat a bunch of times, and pretty soon you have taken over the magical world.
Aurora Nightstar chapter 1 . 3/20
Moldy Shorts…. LMAO… I agree about them having lost their minds with this 4-way contract. I immediately thought Star Trek the second I saw the name Jean-Luc. Since you were so kind as to give me a review, I thought I was return the favor and I am glad I did. This was hilarious. Great Prologue.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/3
Absolutely great, hope it continues!
triton666 chapter 17 . 2/18
was there really a twilight reference in this chapter "I wonder if he charmed himself to sparkle like that"
PGHammer chapter 9 . 2/14
More Pasta - and a team takedown of the troll (except that it's *Fleur* that got rescued - and Draco that whacked the troll with its own club). A Good!Draco and a Good!Bellatrix in the same fanfic (and a Good!Lucius besides); Still, Lucius and Alastor Moody are *pals* - and BOTH report to Bellatrix - and are fine with it?
PGHammer chapter 28 . 1/15
Someone is giving Regulus Bad Intel - Harry is involved with Amelia's niece, but also with Amelia herself and Harry, Amelia, AND Sue are Happy With That (as is the fourth side of the square - your SISTER, Regulus, Bellatrix Black)
PGHammer chapter 23 . 1/15
Note - Amelia DID say *USED* to date (she is contracted/betrothed to Harry, and is quite Happy With That), despite that she has to share him with her neice AND her deputy.
Demigod4996 chapter 5 . 10/20/2019
Rubber Ducks? thanks, I have the rubber ducky song in my head
zackie1987 chapter 28 . 8/30/2019
More please
maxwellalexandercadawallader chapter 28 . 8/19/2019
Been awhile since the last update. Really looking forward to me. Really curious as to what wrong with the greengrass sisters
Httydlover2018 chapter 28 . 8/12/2019
When is the next chapter out
PGHammer chapter 18 . 7/18/2019
Bella as DADA professor makes sense three different ways (quite aside from being betrothed to Harry) - she is an Auror, after all - she ran Amelia's detail - she is also Amelia's deputy. ANY of the three would actually make her OVER-qualified (which makes me wonder exactly WHY Dumbles selected Lockhart in the first place). Heck - Lucius Malfoy would have been a safer choice though - despite that he's an Auror in this story, it would doubtless have caused too MUCH consternation.
Damon Phillips chapter 7 . 7/15/2019
torlan2003 chapter 28 . 5/18/2019
Great story, the Godzilla Idea was excellent. I am trying to remember is the three headed dragon Monster Zero? I hope you update soon. Thank you for writing.
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