Reviews for Designs of Love
Guest chapter 18 . 3/31
Squeee! That was so amazingly adorable! Ah I can't wait to read what you write next! I look forward to your work.
Blu chapter 2 . 2/22/2019
Are you for real?
Lucky Lucy Heart chapter 18 . 12/21/2018
PLEASE UPDATE! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this story! The plot is AWESOME and your writing is AMAZING! I can’t wait to read the next chapter and I hope you upload it SOON!
dogsrcool5 chapter 18 . 3/25/2018
Please write more
Guest chapter 18 . 6/19/2017
Or it's coming together
mayuralover chapter 18 . 4/11/2017
Oh dear.
snowglobe3 chapter 18 . 4/10/2017
So glad to see an update to this after so long!
PRICESS Citten chapter 18 . 4/9/2017
izzy chapter 18 . 4/9/2017
snowglobe3 chapter 17 . 3/8/2017
This story is awesome! I love the relationship between Marinette and Adrien! Please write more!
Guest chapter 17 . 12/14/2016
Please continue
mayuralover chapter 17 . 12/1/2016
I've been reading this nonstop. I really like it so far. It's interesting that she got over her embarrassment of the first few chapters quickly to be able to focus on her designs and the progress between her and Adrien was nice.
sjsreader chapter 17 . 11/28/2016
Hahaha, how funny. Such awkwardness. Oh, this will be fun! Great job!
Taanzanite chapter 16 . 11/27/2016
Was it just me, or did the kiss come out of nowhere?
Guest chapter 17 . 11/26/2016
This is soooooooo good. Please update soon!
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