Reviews for Devil Inside
Natters chapter 21 . 2/6
Great fic
Rebecca Miller chapter 22 . 11/21/2019
Ok...I'm just curious about something that I caught...when Gabe came after Lucifer took care of Michael, didnt he say that Lucifer and Chloe were going to have a son? But then you said that they didnt have any was the angel lying? Just curious...
Repost chapter 10 . 6/16/2019
I love this story so far and the one before, but I have one gripe and it's not to do with your story relling, but Chloe.

She's just a fucking walking fucking hypocrite.

She is the reason why Lucifer almost died.
She tried snogging a bloke to make Lucifer jealous after being unable to reach him in a single day after he was healed and left compared to Lucifer trying for 3 whole days of trying to reach out to her.

He tried to get her back for three days, while she refused to listen to him! She almost killed him and she gave up instantly and after a day of trying. Sure, she treated him for a few days after he came out from the hospital, but to think that she still has the audacity to think that she was in the right!

I'm sorry, but if I were Lucifer, I would have left in a fit of rage and told her to fuck off and fly away. Let that women ride her fucking high horse.

And to simply chalk it up to a learning experience and not actually owing up the the fact that you were wrong and over reacted and didn't even say you were fucking sorry.

She gave up so much more easily than Lucifer did and to see her thinking that she was in the right and never apologised for that. Pisses me off to no end.

I mean she didn't even let Lucifer explain himself, because she clearly doubted that he broke his promise and she tried to find him to explain and gave up after a single day!

And to hold the cheating thing against him, after knowing that he slept with others once she broke up with him and clearly knowing that she doubted that he did do it and then knowing that someone set him up.


You can probably tell how pissed I am, but not at your writing, just what Chloe thought and did here, but moreso how she still thinks that what she did was right and never actually saying sorry.

If I was in a similar position, I'd tell the girl to fuck off with her overly hypocritical bs, because she's a piss poor excuse for a human being and leave her and then never look back. Women who over react like her and justify it in that way, don't deserve to be given second chances.

Because at no point did he ever do anything that she can hold against him and the comparison of what he and she did. Makes her look extremely petty, because she gave up too easily. I get that she was cheated on before, but that's still no fucking excuse for how she never actually apologised personally for what she did to try and cause him emotional pain.

If she actually fucking owed up to it and said sorry, then I'd consider giving her a second chance, but now I'm not sure if I can continue, because I hate this version of Chloe so much right now. That may also be because I would never cheat and have never been cheated, but I hate the idea of it being done so much. It just feels so cowardly.

Uh. I'm going to stop myself here, before I rant any further.

But otherwise, this is a well written story and I hope you keep on writing! Also, I'm not sure why you changed Chloe's breakup with Dan from neglectful to cheater.
xNerisha chapter 21 . 5/31/2019
this is seriously a wild ride. really enjoy reading it. really great story! is like watch a drama. gonna read the sequel! thanks!
xNerisha chapter 19 . 5/31/2019
happy ending!
xNerisha chapter 18 . 5/31/2019
I legit cry at the part "he got maze" he took my Mazie" but thank GOD! no pun intended for saving Maze!
xNerisha chapter 16 . 5/31/2019
I'm reading this in train and already so worry of the outcome!
xNerisha chapter 14 . 5/30/2019
I'm too sleepy to continue but wanted to say... I'm so excited to read next chapter! you wrote it soo well! every end of chapter is like a cliffhanger! haha
xNerisha chapter 13 . 5/30/2019
I got emotional reading this chapter. you described every emotions so detailed.
xNerisha chapter 9 . 5/29/2019
I love the Trixie x Lucifer interactions! is so damn cute!
xNerisha chapter 7 . 5/29/2019
my ️... my dear Luci! hope he recovers soon!
xNerisha chapter 6 . 5/29/2019
oh my god... Michael.. you're such a fking asshole!
xNerisha chapter 4 . 5/29/2019
very fluffy especially when Trixie ran towards Lucifer!
citosol chapter 10 . 5/14/2019
Cigarette. NOW!
Post orgasmic chill.
Guest chapter 21 . 1/21/2019
OMG so sweet! I love this story!
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