Reviews for Before Now
Destiny Willowleaf chapter 1 . 6/6/2018
The events during the timeskip leading up to everything have always been a point of interest, and I'm not gonna lie Fuel's probably my favorite character from M3 so seeing him here and bein' a dork and acting in character is great! Love the story.
Soror Curantis chapter 1 . 8/13/2016
The poor kid, being separated from his twin! When twins are close, the best person to comfort one is the other. It's also kinda sad that Lucas and his dad aren't very close.

I like how you did Leder. Even though he didn't say anything, he was still likable!

I thought it was interesting that Lucas's friends were named Lighter and Fuel, because they lit up his mood and fueled him with excitement.

You did a good job explaining just enough of the backstory so that the story to made sense and impacted me. Thank you for the read!
Chronic Guardian chapter 1 . 7/20/2016
Nice opening sequence here. There's a lot of exposition, so you might want to thin that out with a little more tie to the present (like you do with the pig masks). You're tackling these challenges with a surprising amount of grace, but there's always a little more you can do to ease up the flow of the story.

I like how you describe Lucas through his thought process (e.g. "Lucas wondered if he reused the same note"). There's a little bit of skepticism to this hero, which makes him a fun lens to view a fantasy world through.

I will note that there are an awful lot of names being slung around here, but I guess that sort of comes with the territory. Something I'm experimenting with in my own writing is trying to find ways to limit the presented cast to only the key players. Admittedly, I'm still balancing this against the place of cameos (which is definitely a thing! Don't back down from little dips and nods), but a story feels less cluttered when there are less names to track, yeah?

"But it still hurt, knowing she was gone"
Considering you used "but" in the sentence directly preceding this, I feel like you can safely ditch it here. I know you're going for [Repetition], but that's not quite what I meant! (Jokingly, of course)

"For once {did} Lucas wish[ed] his father could have planted some..."
This wording is a little awkward. You may be trying to add weight to the sentence with the diction, but you don't want it to become unwieldy, if you get what I mean.

Also, nice scene! I like the vibes you got going on. Very poignant and bitter, as it should be. It's nice to establish all this stuff upfront because then we have a conflict we know we have to resolve.

By the time we hit the bell tower guy, I can really see how you're workin' the "Til the End of Time" prompt. Well done, Eevee! I especially like how you play it straight AND contrasted. Very smooth.

Good way to close off Leder's scene. With the whole "Permenance" theme, you effectively play 1:somethings never change, 2: somethings inevitably change, and 3: Time is constant in the moment. Especially that last one, illustrated through Lucas needing to feed the animals, make for an intriguing mix of thoughts. Where oh where could you be going with this...

Gotta take a moment to say: I'm impressed with how quickly you solidified a lot of your characterization in this story! You gave really nice, strong, definitive flavors to Lighter, Fuel, Leder, and Lucas so that even a new comer like me could get a general idea of what differentiates them. Nice job!

You close things up nicely. I like how this is sort of an in-between where Lucas is returning to tradition, but it's also a moment of healing and growth. There is change, but there's also some things that he's sure of and that are still there for him. It's nice, warm, and subdued without undermining the rest of the story. Good job!

Yep, you definitely achieved the idea of [Repetition]! I'll give you that one with full stars.

And again, great work Eevee! You're a rising star to be reckoned with! Allow me to present you with some Sauce Project honors:
*Eevee received an [Awkward Thumb's Up]!* d-0-b

Good job on getting over the half way point! Here's to tackling the second half!

"Grandfather Alec"(K)
Sorry, the AFiH hype is real. *Rei approved*

Man, Lucas' life is sad... no wonder he looks so much more serious than Ness in Smash Bros!

Lucas has a dog... who can talk. Huh... interesting! What is this, the land of Oz?

*Fuel wipes drool on pants, Joshua cringes* "So unhygienic..."

Happy Box... I can only assume they mean a TV, but it sounds like a drug in this context. Of course, considering what TV does to some people, I guess that's not too far off from the truth.

"After losing Hinawa and Claus in such a short [amount] of time..."
I think you mean amount. "number" isn't quite what you'd use here unless it's specifically how the character talks...

Interesting development with Leder leaving, that definitely drives home the theme you've been developing up to this point! Where could he have gone though? Hmm... I sure hope those pigmasks have nothing to do with this.

"I give my blessings to him"
Ding! Peripheral reference to "Holy" prompt.
Aviantei chapter 1 . 7/19/2016
Alright, I'm lagging behind, but not by much! Let's dive right on into this sucker!

I...actually haven't played Mother/Earthbound and know very little about how it works. But I do know who Lucas is, thanks to Smash Bros, so I'm sure I'll manage somehow!

Hm. "Claus" and "Lucas." I think I see the pattern here...

This opening section has a lot of reflective backstory in it, but I think you managed to drop it in while not being quite so overwhelming. Then again, for me, without any proper knowledge of your source material, it was helpful in catching me up to speed. The ending line also really finishes setting the almost dreary mood you have here. Nice setup.

"At least something hadn't changed about him...he was still a crybaby." As someone who grew up a major fucking crybaby, this line really resonates with me. Probably not the intention, but you managed to connect me with the character here.

"Oinked" and "squeeled." Nice dialogue word choices to show their name refers to a bit more than just their masks.

Ah, I got so caught up in the story that I didn't realize how quickly the words were flying by here. For a moment, I thought we were making Leder's disappearance the plot, but it seems instead we have the process of reclaiming something small in even the darkest of times. In many ways, this is Lucas's way of acting for himself and feeling a sense of hope again.

Oh, that's how you were taking the prompt! Very nice! No matter what else occurs, some things will remain the same until the end of time, right? I like it. I, once again, am not in charge of judging the classics prompts, but I think you chose an interesting way of incorporating it. Hopefully CG thinks the same.

You had some really good scenery details and word choices going on this week, Eevee. Your inspiration place certainly came through! I don't have a place like that just yet, but I do have a couple of work areas and I plan to set up a study sometime soon...if that counts any.

And yes, it is second half of T-Sauce already (I'm kind of floored, too!). You're doing fantastically and even kicking my butt around. Keep on trucking, Eevee, you've come this far, going down the hill should be even simpler.

Here's to a timlier week than the last for me,