Reviews for Best at Being Second Place
Hogwarts Official chapter 1 . 9/8/2016
20/20 - O (Outstanding)
Notes from Fire:

You never seem to disappoint me when it comes to portraying the character's emotions. I feel like you nailed Ron's character, to be honest. Arthur was very well written as well.

To be honest, I utterly adore how you took past instances (Ron's time accompanying Harry to save Ginny in the chamber) and used it to justify everything Arthur was saying. It made your fic a hell of a lot more realistic than everyone else's.

It seems, that everyone forgot about some of the instances you named, and that made your fic all the more original to me.

Your flow was impeccable. Everything went together fluidly and I had no problem reading this. You've truly done a good job.

You had four spelling mistakes in total and almost all of them are located near the beginning/middle. For one, it seems that you have two missing letters/words. Other than that, you had two problems with comma usage. They were small, though.

I love how you used the prompt! Not only did you make it the focus of your fic, but you also used clear and concise examples to back it up. All in all, good job, Georgia!
JeanAndBilius chapter 1 . 7/27/2016
Nice story - and bloody true too.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/14/2016
Very sweet