Reviews for Bury the Past
TheWhiteCrayon chapter 24 . 8/25/2016
Loved this ending. It is indeed bittersweet as you said, but a completely happy ending wouldn't have been realistic in this story.
I'm glad Jade is reconnecting with her father -she needs family right now.
I think in time, they're all going to get over this. They'll never forget, of course, but I think they can be happy again.
TheWhiteCrayon chapter 23 . 8/25/2016
Omg, this was just the cutest, so romantic for thema to Renée their vows. And I really liked Cat and Robbie to come back for it.
Trina's really found happiness with her whole family now -even if she is hurting from the loss of her mother.
For Tori and Jade, yes it will be a while for thema to get over this trauma -maybe they never really will. But at least theyre safe and getting the help they need. Tori might find happiness sooner, because she at least is still surrounded by family and people who love her. But, in time, I have hope for Jade to be happy again, too, find herself some people who love her.
TheWhiteCrayon chapter 22 . 8/25/2016
Well, no lawyer is going to talk him out of that one anymore. Sounds to me like he's as good as convicted.
TheWhiteCrayon chapter 21 . 8/25/2016
I only just realised that you had updated this story! Thats great haha :)
Well, they'll be able to talk to Jade alone, at last. And this fight might indicate that Jade is done keeping silent about what happened -either protecting Beck or being afraid of him. She may very well finally be ready and able to talk to Trina and David.
nightwolfmoon chapter 24 . 8/19/2016
I'm glad Beck will be put away, and I'm glad Jade will be staying with someone. She shouldn't be alone right now. I don't think after everything that she and Tori could be friends again, and even if they got further along in their own healing processes, I can't see them getting together again without it being awkward at best or bringing back bad memories.
nightwolfmoon chapter 23 . 8/19/2016
Renewing vows can be more romantic than the wedding sometimes. Martin and Trina have been through more in their short time together and some couples have in a lifetime. Still, they've made it through and are the better for it.
nightwolfmoon chapter 22 . 8/19/2016
Beck does have a solid case against him as the chapter title says, and while I see little chance of him getting his hands on Jade, I worry about her safety (mostly mental). After anything, she's going to need a good amount of help. With how much care her boss showed, I wonder if she'd be able to help her out in any way.
nightwolfmoon chapter 21 . 8/19/2016
This was a nice bonding moment between Trina and David. She's more knowledgeable about his past and what led to the neglect. He could have done things better, but that can be seen with any relationship. The past has happened, and they have the present to worry about. I think David will be happier living closer to Trina, and I think living with them would be a lot better for Tori, but she's going to need to face justice as well.
Sicariothrax chapter 24 . 8/17/2016
Masterfully done, mortal. A grand tale. My apologies for taking so long to review. I like that Tori was able to survive. Beck was punished, as is proper for this tale.
Headingley72 chapter 24 . 8/15/2016
Loved this one and so glad that Beck got what was coming to him. I think if you do a sequel you should try a Jori. But then I am biased and I love Jori.
ScottyBgood chapter 24 . 8/15/2016
I'm glad Jade has someone, partially because she'll need them to help her regain her independence, partially because of her guilt, and mostly because she told Trina her intent, with the shotgun, was to take her own life. Still, she has a long way to go. Longer,,in her own right, with her own tragedies, then even Tori. I wish her luck. Tori at least has friends, like Cat and Robbie. she has her father, who i take it was never that close to her.

Beck fought tot he end, but it was a losing case. Once they go to trial, about ninety percent of cases end in a conviction. This was a very strong case, so Beck had a fight on his hands. his only saving grace was that Trina and David investigated, and when that defense was shot down, he was sunk.

Yes, it can be hard for two people with a shared experience to even talk to one another, not when they both carry some of the blame for the pain they've enured, and blame themselves, and maybe the other. However, people don't always react like that, and ther are people who can quickly get past the distrust and find a bond in that shared experience. Maybe, in the future, they can be friends again. i doubt it, since their lives are going in such different directions.

Why am I hoping jade adopts a kid? it'd be the best therapy for her, given her past and the work she was drawn too. She needs something, since she functionally lost everything. i mean, taking into account the cost of the lawyer, Beck's defense, a homicide trial lasting months, and you have to wonder just what jade got out of all this? Yes, Tori lost her mother, and jade lost her life, and both women have to live on now with that over their heads. i see a long road to recovery. Tori has her father, her sister, and a growing support network to help her through. jade has a man who was always described as distant and judgemental as her life line. Honestly, I wonder if her story ends soon after? Or has she been seeing someone, a therapist, and making progress to find a reason to live? Never forget that while many suicidal impulses are just that, impulses, she was driven there by a lot of guilt and pain, and really doesn't have anything but a limited fresh start. I'm hoping for her, but the girl needs to be on suicide watch, for a while at least.

I enjoyed the story, and the way things were put together. of course, given human motivation, you gave Beck multiple drives for a crime where any one might have been enough. Beck could have been more possessive, or blamed Jade for the loss of their son, and used that to plot the deaths of everyone who he felt hurt him. Still, criminology not my field...

Looking forward, as always, tot he next.
ScottyBgood chapter 23 . 8/15/2016
glad to see Tori reconnecting with Trina, as well as Robbie and Cat. She'll have a long road, but with her disease, and with the guilt over her part in the chain of events that led to the tragedy she'd lived through. But the guilt, it should not get int he way of her living her life. maybe she can even find someone, have a life, love, future. Just, lets hope.

Trina gets her renewal here, showing how much her life has grown and encompassed. She and her husband can look forward to a future, family, living away from the hustle and pressures of L.A. and in a nice, quiet city dedicated to some of it's citizens peaceful retirement. A nice place to maybe raise a family.

So life continues.
Xemtlenc chapter 24 . 8/15/2016
Nice, if next to your stories, you could change the principal characters, it would be nice.
Invader Johnny chapter 24 . 8/15/2016
If you do a sequel I sure hope Jade and Tori reconcile a bit more because the idea of them "being apart and not friends" kinda bothers me.

Anyway, hearing Beck's sentence was ny favourite part, I'm sure he'll become someone's bitch in the slammer for the rest of his life plus the 120 years.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
Invader Johnny chapter 23 . 8/15/2016
Well Trina finally found happinesa, I certainly likes her vows, XD.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
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