Reviews for 212 and counting
Guest chapter 1 . 5/30/2018
Made. Me. Cry.

That was so beautiful. This needs more views.
PeridotsandRubies chapter 1 . 11/13/2017
Aww! I love that you mentioned Philip too! Good job on this!
BurrShotHam711 chapter 1 . 3/17/2017
that was incredible! i like how you captured Alex's last moments when Burr shot him.. Nobody ever knew what happened on 7/11 and when Alex died the next day, well done!
3805748750939048 chapter 1 . 11/17/2016
i know fantastic username sorry im too lazy to make an account but i gotta review this aah

this was absolutely fantastic, brought me to tears in the end. i cant believe this doesnt have more recognition, this is so well done. the last two paragraphs were absolutely incredible in my opinion! im not sure if it was your intention, but i love how you pulled off such a beautiful ending without really confirming an afterlife of any sort? i dont love that trope, and it seems to me like most authors writing deaths cant reach a happy ending without specific description of an afterlife. this was nice, because when i read it, it seemed just as possible that alexander was delusional in the way he thought of his late friends as it was that they were actually going to be with him. anyway, you are a fantastic writer, and have a real talent.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/18/2016
I have never read a fanfic solely about his death but my god this is fantastic! I'm a mess now but your writing skill is amazing!
angelicaschuyler21 chapter 1 . 7/12/2016
Wow. I am now crying on my laptop. I needed this, and I didn't need this. You wrote this scene well- the characters were just how I imagined them and I could picture the scene. Thank you, for making me sob over a founding father (again).
Guest chapter 1 . 7/12/2016
(I am currently sobbing in my bedroom while everyone else in the house sleeps)

...But besides that, really great story. I loved (but also hated, due to the consequential heartbreak) all the subtle references to the songs that you worked throughout the story. You did a really great job of putting the song references in the right places, rather than references for the sake of having them in the story. Overall, very well-written, realistic enough to make it feel real to the reader, and heartbreaking enough to fit the story of Alexander Hamilton. Thank you. :)