Reviews for Krieg
Ares26 chapter 1 . 11/23/2019
I like it!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/10/2017
human dragon chapter 1 . 11/6/2016
will there be a harem for naruto if there is then catwoman is all im going to say
Dracomancer1 chapter 1 . 8/10/2016
I don't understand how this is a crossover then. If Naruto doesn't have any powers, memories, or even training techniques from his old universe, what is it that makes him special compared to your average vigilante or cop? This isn't Naruto, it's just an Asian guy with birthmarks and spiky blond hair. For crying out loud, he doesn't even have the drive to be the greatest that is the hallmark of his character! I will read the next chapter, but please reconsider not crossing the universes.
DragonPony022 chapter 1 . 7/13/2016
Well I have to say this is a great story so far. I am really interesting in seeing where this will go from here. I mean I can think of alot of things that can go down from here. With Robin by this time I can only assume being Nightwing that might mean he is off with the Titans and that leaves Bruce and Batgirl in the city. So this would be a interesting point for him to join as well. And with Naruto going there as a cop he would have a high chance of meeting Barb along his career as well. With the time Harley would already be mixed up with the Joker by this point but it will be interesting to see how Naruto handles her issues and her slow falling out with the Joker. Naruto might even have a role in it. It will just be great to see how Naruto might handle and do things differently than Bruce, Barb, and Dick. I mean he isn't going there as a child with a mind ready to be molded. he is going there as a full grown man with his own thoughts and feelings. So he might not always see and agree with Bruce's ways and actions. Maybe even in his handling of some villains as well.

Anyway great chapter and as a huge comic fan can't wait to see what will happen next.
Robco chapter 1 . 7/11/2016
Ignore these ingrates. This is a great start.
The Big Bad Wolf-9 chapter 1 . 7/11/2016
Gotta say love the original content. I can honestly say that I have not read a story where Naruto originated from Earth-1 to the Kents only to be Batman's second hand.

As you can probably tell from my username and picture, I'm excited. Love his origin, too- enough drama in his background to be considered a Robin candidate, but instead he chose to be a GCPD blue.

Good on him. I wonder how he'll meet the Gotham crew- will it be through his adopted brother, Clark, or through Batman?
keyblade master cole chapter 1 . 7/10/2016
Pretty good story keep it up.
Layperson chapter 1 . 7/10/2016
this is not even a's just an oc white kid with wisker marks.. trash!
Layperson chapter 1 . 7/10/2016
is this even naruto? from narutoverse? with chakara and shit...
KukanKing chapter 1 . 7/10/2016
ok i'll wait and see, i like it so far