Reviews for Short Change Heroes
typroctor-ewaguy chapter 9 . 6/26/2019
This NCIS/Strike back crossover was one of the best things I've ever read in fanfiction. It was complicated, but the way you wrote it was excellent. I was amazed at how all the teams worked together so no one was killed. And how about that interrogation by Genevieve. She wasn't about to let
Brandon say a word until she had finished. I've never heard of anyone as good an interrogator. I will recommend the story, Tess. You're the best.
lindergail chapter 9 . 2/12/2017
Have enjoyed your writing over many stories. Keep up the writing - I'm pretty sure there are LOTS of us who keep coming back to check up!
fiesa chapter 6 . 10/14/2016
I'm not the shortest person there is, but I am short compared to my friends, so I know how it feels to be on the receiving end of the small-person-jokes. Genevieve takes it well, and shoots back - I like that :)

It was intriguing to see her work, and deal with Bryant. The way she took in all three 'big' guys - for her own protection - was fun to see. And while I don't know much about procedures, it was really interesting to read through the interrogation. I've never heard the term Miranda Rights before - Wikipedia helps - so thanks for the small educative bits and pieces, and, as usual, the interesting details you place into your stories. It was bitter for Bryant, I can imagine, not being able to say anything - but he probably will talk, earlier or later. Sam, Eli, Deeks and Genevieve work together well - and I'm also quite intrigued with Eli as a new addition to the cast. I wonder whether he'll appear in the future, as well? *laugh* I'll wait to see, as usual.

I was pretty sure Kensi was unhappy when Genevieve chose Deeks to accompany her into the interrogation room, as well, and was happy to see that my suspicion wasn't unfounded. Genevieve's and Kensi's talk was well-written and interesting, and, much like Kensi, apparently, I was waiting for her to drop the shoe and, until the end, was unsure whether she'd done it or not. I had the feeling there was more to read out of her words, but I didn't quite get everything. Anyway, I do like her a great deal.

Off to the next chapter, this time immediately. Thank you for sharing this story here! It surely has been quite some work to write and reading it is a lot of fun for me. Thank you.
fiesa chapter 5 . 10/4/2016
Oh, Scott, you're on a count and it's going up :)

I like the way he doesn't care about the swear count when it's about his son. And I like his son. He sounds like a good kid.

Oh, anyway. It's been a while, so I'm still trying to orient myself. I'm bouncing back, though. Hi there :)

I really liked the girl-bonding-time Kim and Kensi (look at that!) had in the gym. They're quite similar to each other, and then, again, they're not. The most prominent aspect probably being the number of guests each of them would like to invite to their prospective weddings! But that's a great character you developed, really. I like Kim as much as Michael (though he has barely appeared yet, has he?), and even Damien is slowly growing on me. Like a fungus? Perhaps! *laugh* He's the type of person I can't really read. I don't like impoliteness, but he's not only impolite. There's more to it, but at present I can't say whether it's good or bad. On the other hand, it's probably both. No black and white here.

I also like how Damien believes in Ester.

Who is on the run.

Deeks and Damien discussing was equally nice to read :) Guy-time, so to say. I like how you mention so many different things that don't have anything to do with the story but give a wonderful feeling of the atmosphere. ComicCon, RenFaires, Pokemon. CIgarettes and laws. Convictions, beliefs and simple observations. And, of course, the constant reminder of the No-swearword-zone around Damien :)

This was a wonderful chapter, and I enjoyed it a lot. Thanks for sharing it!
Rhonda Lara chapter 9 . 9/3/2016
Fantastic Story and You Are An Excellent Writer! Thank you for all your writings!
ToOldToShip chapter 9 . 9/2/2016
Thank you for another amazing story and fixing some of the remaining loose ends on the program. I'd forgotten that the status of Donald Blye's death would need to be changed. And of course you fixed the vests, maybe the props guys will read the story and fix them on the show.
JenRar chapter 9 . 8/30/2016
I'm so sad to see this marked as complete, but it was such a fun, fun ride! Thank you so much!
jimmer chapter 9 . 8/30/2016
A perfect ending to an amazing story..Thank you for giving us this summer adventure to enjoy...The "NCISLA"/ "Strike Back" crossover was pure genius. I am delighted to have taken the journey...This was one of the best hiatus stories of all time...You Tess, are one of my all time favorite fanfic Authors and I feel honored everytime I read one of your stories...Keep doing what your doing..Because what you are doing is awesome...
eskiwetatat chapter 1 . 8/29/2016
Thank you.
sassyzazzi chapter 9 . 8/29/2016
Good story, always sorry to see one of your stories end. This last chapter was very good. I just loved the kevlar vests, and Bernhart's letter about the vests, very clever , very fun. I also loved that Deeks knew where the best seats at a musical broadway show were. On a more serious note, I liked the resolution for Kensi with her father's reputation. Good team story, good crossover.
RAGAnne chapter 9 . 8/29/2016
Genevieve sure knows how to show appreciation. I love that her husband and Commander Rehme got outraged on Kensi's behalf. Resolving "paperwork hell" is the perfect personalized gift. I also got a kick out of "Over 200 years after his death, Alexander Hamilton is still doing so much for his country." Thank you so much for brightening my summer with your stories . . . and giving the team better protection. :)
aprylynn chapter 9 . 8/29/2016
As always, your hiatus stories do not disappoint! I love all the character interactions, including ones we don't get to see on the show, like with Bernhart. The thing with the vests was hilarious. And I loved how Kensi was able to get more closure with what happened to her father. Well done, Tess. It's always a joy to read your stories :)
honus47 chapter 9 . 8/29/2016
Quite a story you have here. Thanks for writing it and then letting us read it.
Astrida chapter 9 . 8/29/2016
Excellent as usual!
vascolella chapter 1 . 8/29/2016
Bella storia mi piace come scrivi...spero di leggerne una nuova presto!
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