Reviews for Book one of Thunder God Series: Rise
RiskyWombat chapter 8 . 7/18
You should really try to tone down with the ANs, having them in one end of the chapter is already quite blaah... but both ens is too much.
Now I haven't read your ANs, but way too often at least the start of chapter is explaing something about the story that the author really should have worked in the story itself. Everything you want to reader to know about the story really should be in the story so there really should only be need to minimal ANs like been busy with RL, sorry.
shirzadym chapter 8 . 6/28
I most amazing chapter if I do say so myself; and no bad grammar or spelling as far as I saw. Well done!

I quite loved that speech of Harry's; stuck me to my seat while reading it. Very moving and, overall, lovely.

On another note, I really can't think of any canon characters that would be described with "eyes like the moon", I believe you used, so my best guess would be...I don't know. Though I also remember you having Luna in the previous version of this (if I remember right; the one where Harry became a female water dragon kind of thing? Or is that some other one I'm thinking of?), so that's that.

Looking forward to the next chapter and am really, *really* wondering if Harry would get the power to control his magic (as he shortly did in that small part in the ship escape) as this (presumably) witch has (teleporting), or if it would only be that control over lightning and storms thing. I also wonder if the dragoness thinking the Child is ancient would be the same for Julian (he was as old as Dumbledoor when he died here, right)?

Well, once again a great chapter and looking forward to the next one!
006Sam chapter 8 . 6/27
strong SJW vibes. There is no problem with making it part of the plot, but the grandstanding shit (even when it's just inside his mind) is very gay.
BitterSweets7 chapter 7 . 6/15
the only reason I read fanfiction is to read something that deviates from the original timeline otherwise it's just reading the same thing over and over especially if other people start to do the same thing as that person and just rewrite the story in their own words. It just gets stale really fast after the second run, but the more you deviate from canon in a respectable way the better your fanfic becomes.
Nihil Asara chapter 4 . 5/20
Ah... retcons. Maybe that explains why I _really_ don't remember this story despite having it on my fave's list. Anyone remember a Temeraire story with Luna and Dragon!Harry (possibly femHarry) in Australia? Liked it but haven't been able to find it again. Hoping it wasn't this story's earlier version because that would mean it's entirely dead );
stevensalzman82 chapter 7 . 5/12
I would like to see lien I think her name is the albino imperial dragon that joins napoleon.
dragonnargus chapter 7 . 5/11
Heh, I'd say that Chinese white dragon in book 2 is a must, if/when it get to that point. I dunno what else though... maybe one of the wild ones from the third book? I think it was the third anyway... the one where there was battle over London?
Hollydoor chapter 6 . 4/25
I love this chapter! Cant wait fer more!
CCGhastly chapter 6 . 4/24
That's so awesome!
dragonnargus chapter 6 . 4/23
So it's he actually a breed of the Chinese Heavenly dragon who get power boosted by inert magic, or just a completely unique breed altogether? Also that power plus lightning storm and Temeraire's wind would be very impressive together in the future.
shirzadym chapter 6 . 4/22
A lovely chapter. The fight was thrilling to read.

Now, for the mistakes I found: in the first paragraph, you missed a word (can't remember what).

And at the end when Harry is observing his wounds, you wrote "past" while it should have been 'passed'.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

Yours truly


PS: sorry for the lack of detail; I'm tired.
006Sam chapter 6 . 4/22
little brother this, little brother that... thats not cannon and overall a bit strange.
Shiki.Gilliano chapter 5 . 4/1
This is amazing! Pl continue I love this story!
Blackberry Avar chapter 1 . 4/1
This is quality. I think I'm a good writer sometimes and then I see stuff that shows me I have so much more to go. Large vocabularies combined with good senses of humor and a touch for metaphor make a - shall I say - wizard combination.

Cheers. From Blackberry Avar.
shirzadym chapter 5 . 3/25
A lovely and quite unexpected chapter.

The only grammatical mistake that i noticed was in the AN. *chuckles*
part of the sentence didn't make any sense.

I really don't have any criticism to give. So, good job; a lovely, if indeed short, chapter, and i'm looking forward to more.

also i can't tell which I would prefer, Lucian (did i spell that right?) being caught by the English (THE ACCURSED ENGLISH!) and give us a (probably) interesting arc; or escaping, which would make much more sense as I don't see any way for those Englishmen to catch what is practically a leviathan! (although a small one)

But what do I know;i'm not an imaginative enough person.
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