Reviews for Of Fire and Snow
GuLaLi561 chapter 17 . 4/12/2019
Oh gosh, it’s so beautiful. The plot is intriguing, the angst is so mesmerizing.
I know I am doomed when I read the incomplete fic esp after almost 2 years hanging.
But I couldn’t stop, it’s simply beautiful and captivating. I just wish you have all the strength and muse in the world to continue it.
MizzMarie729 chapter 4 . 12/5/2018
I missed this story so much I'm rereading it I believe for the 3rd time! I hope you updated or at least maybe finish it up or something. You are such a gifted writer. This is such a wonderful story - I keep checking in to see if it's updated.
lynsay chapter 10 . 4/10/2018
After reading what you wrote after chapter 10 I had to respond as I thought that it was so funny and it made me laugh when I really needed a laugh. I never thought about either pairing in your story before but I find it highly entertaining and arousing which is a surprise to me. I love game of thrones which why the incest factor doesn't bother me. I'm not sure which way your story is going but I'm enjoying the ride so far.
Guest chapter 17 . 2/8/2018
Omg I need more of this, is it still being updated?
BellaDonna3 chapter 17 . 2/1/2018
I just found this story. I absolutely love it! I like how your characters are really similar to the real ones, but i love the suspense, i can not wait to read more! I hope you update soon! Thankyou:)
Slytherin's Strumpet chapter 17 . 8/24/2017
This fic was lovely, I thank you
Shasilison chapter 10 . 8/12/2017
i'm really liking this story, i like your style, and i also like how you don't give two shits about the haters. the sexual tension of the story is pretty hot. .
Virginia chapter 17 . 7/17/2017
Wow I love this story so much! Will it remain unfinished or is there hope for an update?
Virginia chapter 10 . 7/17/2017
I told myself to leave a review only at the end of the story, but then I read your Note.
I can't understand why people are so mean and unconstructive in their comments.. Reading, for me, is investing time in something that you think can enrich yourself. How can this be possibile if you don't like the story, if you're disappointed in character's nature? If you're reading 10 chapters of something you dislike so much, you're wasting your time.
Anyway, I'm writing this comment to congratulate! This fiction is wonderful. I was looking for a story exactly like this, with this kind of plot, characters, emotions, EVERYTHING! Moreover I love your writing: it's very clear but, at the same time, accurate. I'm Italian and I often read in English, but I not always find a writing that is precise, instructive and loaded with emotion.
Thank you
MizzMarie729 chapter 3 . 7/15/2017
Still waiting for an update he needs to go after her ... I wonder why Lyana would agree after realizing Jon is in love with Sansa. That seems strange to me. Either way I have been eagerly awaiting the next chapter hopefully a Sansa chapter...
shiitakehero chapter 17 . 7/9/2017
My heart breaks for Jon. Love this story. I can't wait for the next chapters.
NAJ P. Jackson chapter 10 . 7/3/2017
Is it really necessary to have multiple chapters of them having sex? We get it. They're boinking each other but it doesn't serve any real purpose other than showing that for all her schemes of one-upping the snake, it seems like she's slow descending into a dark place where the pleasure of sex has slowly becoming a fix for her, and sooner or later she would be insatiable without it. I don't like how Sansa is being portrayed like this and I'm quickly hoping a Sansa and Jon would not the endgame because I don't want Jon to be with her. Ned and Catelyn are probably rolling in their graves to see their daughter laying with the man who's the indirect reason for their deaths.
MizzMarie729 chapter 17 . 6/6/2017
Yay I am so glad to see you back and so glad to see some interaction between Sansa and Jon. Do please hurry back. I know you say your time is limited but we ache in await for another chapter.
catswithbenefits chapter 3 . 5/22/2017
I'm so glad that in your version of the events, you make it Sansa's idea for Jon to be declared the king. In all the other fanfics I've read Sansa is dismayed that Jon is chosen over her, and I feel like that so ooc because she's smart enough to know that something like that would not be in the cards. Also, it means the annoying angst of that situation is gone and you can move the plot forward faster. Thank you thank you thank you!
Mr. Aanonymous chapter 17 . 5/11/2017
please update, and for the love of the gods have more jon/sansa moments!
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