Reviews for Of Olórin and Nienna
Erintii chapter 3 . 7/4/2016
The question "why" was also my question, why did Nienna speak for Melkor, when everyone (except for Manwe I am sure) was again him? She was merciful but also naive to me, but her naivete make her more likeable character. Gandalf of course asked her.. it suited the wisest of Maiar and greatest of wizard.
Seeing Fire chapter 3 . 7/3/2016
This is an excellent story. To be honest, I wasn't surprised that Gandalf had been mentored by Nienna, but I never stopped to think of what that would have looked like. This has been very insightful, and I hope you update soon!
Erintii chapter 2 . 6/29/2016
The relationship of those two was always a mystery for me. They definitely shared a lot of wisdom and compassion, and from lack of other words it can be described as the friends but in the much deeper way than we think in the Western world. Nienna wearing white? This is quite weird for the Valie of Mercy, but why not on the other hand. As we know she was a great mentor for Olorin-Gandald after all.