Reviews for Asking Questions
leahk80 chapter 1 . 5/19/2019
Christina K chapter 1 . 5/3/2018
*total delight and glee at this one, too* HA. Excellent pay-off at the end there, and great characterization!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/22/2018
Well, a good turn deserves another.
Thanks Chuck.
And thanks for sharing this story with us readers.
ren chapter 1 . 1/24/2018
whohoooo! yay! this should be done into a scene in the show!
KeepTrucking chapter 1 . 8/23/2017
Hot Diggity Damn! Panburys? I been there. Love me some Panbury pie!
Be honest, Dean. You would have told Brenda just about anything if she had walked in with a Panburys pie.
AdAstra47 chapter 1 . 6/8/2017
This may be one of my favorite Supernatural stories ever. I love Outsider POV looks at the boys. And this was totally in-character for them, and funny to boot. The ending was perfect; I hope one of the actual SPN writers reads this and makes it canon. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I'm really enjoying all of your work and hope you write more soon.
cmr2014 chapter 1 . 2/3/2017
Oh boy, The Closer. I look forward to seeing Brenda's reaction to the world the Winchesters inhabit - who will drive whom nuts first? *rubs hands in glee and dives in*

Sometimes boredom can be countered by just letting the mind wander. Sometimes it's good to practice meditation. One of the reasons I like the things I do is I can get caught up in them and lose track of time. Far better, say I, to lose yourself in work actually making things than being aware of every slow tick of the clock in a call center. The only benefit to customer service jobs is holidays - I got paid time-and-a-half to sit there and read fanfics and other such net-surfing because nobody was calling. Yeah boy.

The prisoner's dilemma experiments get really fun when they involve multiple parties and multiple deals - they can make your head explode.
There is one thing that defeats the prisoner's dilemma. Or a mix of things, because it certainly requires resilience. I'm not thinking of trust, I'm thinking of that indefinable thing, honor. The criminal will not be broken who is so honorable that he'll keep his mouth shut even if his partners are scum. (You could probably just substitute resilience in for honor in the cases of people like Russian mobsters. They lack honor, in my opinion, but anybody who has survived a gulag will laugh at an American prison.) You get everybody on a job to be like that, you defeat the prisoner's dilemma.
But it is true that most are so self-serving they will sell out their partners for less time. Miserable unprofessional worthless pricks.

*spits out drink* Professor?! I don't remember her having taught, but this is a very interesting development.

Sam! Shut your mouth! Do not engage! I don't care how smart or mentally disciplined you are, Do Not Engage!

Sam, Sam, Sam...don't act so smart. Don't act like you're onto her, like you're a perp who knows her game. You're a material witness, act like it. You're a civilian, act like it. Repeat your story, stick to it, and otherwise just act like a civilian.
At the risk of pulling a Dean - Keyser Soze did not walk out by acting like Keyser Soze.
I highly recommend you play dumb, Samuel, and say no more than necessary. But I know you won't listen to me...

Actually, Dean, yes, to the best of my knowledge the furniture *is* designed to be uncomfortable. It's designed to make you focus more on the discomfort than the things you need to focus on. Makes it easier to trip you up, and more willing to accept those small comforts they dangle in front of you. "If you help me out - look, we can't let you go yet, but work with me and I'll have a better chair brought in, something to help you relax and maybe nap. But first you gotta give some to get some..."
It actually works, assuming you're dealing with someone not versed in the routine and you leave him there long enough, aware of how uncomfortable he is. They'll also do little stuff like cranking the heat and keeping water away from you. Whatever keeps you unfocused.
I talked about somebody with this once, actually, and she laughed and was like, "They don't do that." Sweetheart, please, there's a world of difference between some minor charge like shoplifting and something that actually matters to them. If they really want you to crack, they dang sure will do such things.

Oh, no, I just can't believe Brenda would have her buttons pushed as easily as that. A simple home pride throws her off track?
Whew! Glad to see it's more a case of equals doing battle, each manipulating and counter-manipulating. Had me worried for a sec.

I wonder if she made the call to allow the pizza in. I would have denied it, myself. "Nice, arranging for a pizza like that. Shame it's going to be stone cold by the time you get out of here. Unless you work with me; you do that, I'll have you out of here while your pizza's still steaming. Your call, but not even a drop of melted cheese comes in here." If she allowed it, she seems to be regretting her decision.

I give you, Dean, the same advice I gave Sam - Do. Not. Engage. Even if this all works out ok, shooting your mouth off is *always* a bad move.

I had completely forgotten David's last name was Gabriel, for a sec I thought Trickster was on the loose.

So teaching was a cover for recruiting. That seems familiar. I think she had a friend in one episode who did that. Did Brenda really do it, too? Was it canon and I've forgotten? This is the problem with stuff, I remember I like a show but can forget details.

The end is nice, but I would have liked it better if it had been signed from somebody she would recognize, like the President or something like that, with a P.S. of "Tell them Chuck says thanks."
I mean, this works, but there's no impact for *her* part, because Chuck is not a name she knows.

A fun story, the back-and-forth was stylish, I just - they shot their mouths off too much. They always do. *sigh* Winchesters, saving the world and not knowing when to shut up.
reader50 chapter 1 . 10/30/2016
I thought this very interesting. Loved the interactions between Brenda and the Winchester brothers. Loved Provensa's little sidebars. Also loved that Chuck got rid of Sam and Dean's file of misdeeds. I'm a bit disappointed that the brothers didn't realize they were being watched but otherwise thought this was very good. Thank you for sharing your story.
Kathy chapter 1 . 9/12/2016
Great story, enjoyed reading it
Sedentary Wordsmith chapter 1 . 9/7/2016
Hah, I love it. It's always fun to see the Winchesters actually have a win. And I liked the brothers' different characterizations, how they both thwarted the interrogator but in such different ways.
Dean's line about torture was so sad, knowing everything he's seen and been through.
And the end! I was really expecting it to be Charlie, having hacked into the police and CIA databases or something, but this was even better. Great job!

cappy712 chapter 1 . 7/2/2016
Awesome story! Loved it so much and especially the last part... Chuck great Idea!
Evenmoor chapter 1 . 6/27/2016
Tiny little note: as far as I know, Los Angeles doesn't have aldermen. A more likely candidate would be a city councilmember. Otherwise, I really enjoyed it.