Reviews for The Meaning of Diligence
creativesm75 chapter 1 . 8/12/2016
good chapter.
Helily chapter 1 . 6/30/2016
This was a beautiful tale Well, it's certainly not a love story. Not in that way, anyway. I loved it. It is always such a pleasure to see Tom or Voldemort through the eyes of his followers. Plus, this is one of the only times I've ever seen anything about Antonin. I was completely enthralled throughout. Thank you! And excellent writing, of course, Xanda. _
SmileSimplify chapter 1 . 6/27/2016
Damn! O.o How could he kill his friend?! How could he end the life of someone who knew him so well - both the dark and the light in him - and still loved the entirety of him. :(

I really like reading your fics, dark though they are. There are nuances in the darkness of the characters, even ever so fleeting flashes of light grey or minute sparks of white. Thank you for sharing this fic with us. :)
konatachan603 chapter 1 . 6/26/2016
I fucking called it!
The second I read about Avila I thought to myself "this girl is probably going to die" and then I thought to myself "and Antonin is going to be the one that kills her"
I don't know if I'm more happy or horrified that I was right lol
Evangeline Ivanovich chapter 1 . 6/26/2016
I've followed all your stories for years now even though its only recently I bothered to create my account. I reviewed your stories quite a few times in the past as a guest. I can't help but feel like you've lost interest in the fandom. The only stories we get from you these past few months are oneshots for the QLC. Are you planning to update any of your in-progress works?
Seth A. Mincberg chapter 1 . 6/26/2016
I have favorited and followed many of your fics. This one is somehow different, though. When I compare it to the others you've written, I feel a little depressed, rather than intrigued. Also, could you pos when you'll get back to Bound In Servitude? I would love to see that fic continued, soon.
Ethereal Sphere chapter 1 . 6/26/2016
Beautiful. Terrible. Obsession could really go far. Sometimes too far.