Reviews for The Rescue of Sirius Black
OmaBlack chapter 6 . 4/13
It's just getting really good and you stop àaaaaaaaaa please continue.
Kayla1836 chapter 6 . 5/18/2018
Wooooaaaaaah nice chapter! When is Sirius gonna make a appearance?
AzureAlquimista chapter 6 . 6/1/2017
And the girls, of course, don't have any armour!... It seems Harry think their life is not valuable!?...

A bit of fighting, going to another world, and?... And? Hermione is retarded!... hehehe... So the stabilization have a time limit and she didn't though if the portal was bidirectional or not?... Maybe Hermione forgot to mention the mission was "non return"?...

Well... some skeletons... Oh! A medieval world!... Nodody expected it!... He, he...

Well... the fic is not bad written, but the plot is way too forced, the relations between the characters are non existent, and Harry is mostly ooc, way too commanding, too heroic, too un-Harry...

You should change this to "Harry-Hermione-Neville"... or even better, "Harry"... This is not a Friendship fic RW-HG-HP, this is a "Hero in command" Harry, and his sidekicks...

Maybe this will go better... a plot and some interaction between the characters could be good...
AzureAlquimista chapter 3 . 6/1/2017
If fencing is so good, why Dobby can't pick the others and learn all together? Harry never would have learned this thing without Ron and Hermione...

And Hermione in a few hours in a public library knows more than Dumbledore about the archway? A bit ridiculous. And in a few days, she can repair it? Totally unbelievable!...

And Albus can't stop them? The most powerful wizard can't stop some little kids?...
"... Albus moved his hand, and all the present were hit with the most powerful obliate"... Nobody will remember the archway. Sirius was killed with the A.K. curse... PROBLEM SOLVED.

And now, Harry want sword and armour? Why? It's totally ridiculous and useless... they have MAGIC WANDS... And even if a magic armour could be useful (or make you a easy target).. only him!?... So Harry don't care about Ron or Hermione safety? He is the only one to learn fencing and the only one to have a sword and armour?... With friends as Harry, who needs enemies!...

Of course, you will make the other world pseudo-medieval, so you want your hero armed... Honestly, this fic is turning more and more illogical...

And Ron is still missing. Even Neville is more important in this history... Ron is Harry's BEST FRIEND. He do all with him!... You have forgotten it?...

mmm... This will not be one of these ridiculous Harry/Hermione fics?...
AzureAlquimista chapter 2 . 6/1/2017
Where is Ron?... H.P. is about 3 friends saving the magic world (Well... This and about the love history between Ron and Hermione).

For now, good, but a bit too much Harry-centered and all things are solved way too easy... The archway? A few hours in Diagin Alley. Fencing classes? Hermione dad. Transportation? Dobby...

Could be a very good fic... or not... we'll see...
alix33 chapter 6 . 5/17/2017
“cradled his now injured hand”, not “cradled is now-injured hand”.
“Renaissance fair”, not “renaissance fair”.
‘role playing” should be two words.
Yay! for Sirius having asked for butterbeer, as that means the ministry six and Sirius are now at least in the same realm.
alix33 chapter 5 . 5/17/2017
I’m surprised Harry landed chest first and not head first, so, not only is magic different in this realm, so is gravity.
“’the oncoming horde” (where “horde” means “crowd”), not “hoard” (which is a verb that means “to collect very many things needlessly”).
alix33 chapter 4 . 5/17/2017
“Fawkes the phoenix on his perch”, not “Fawkes the phoenix in his perch”.
I LOVE Hermione’s outfit AND her large backpack, as I bought myself a biggish backpack at the beginning of this year and I now use it as a work bag. It does make me wish for a larger backpack/s to use as luggage, though.
I LOVE Luna (in fact, she and Dobby are my two favourite Harry Potter characters) but if I were in that lift with her and the rest of the ministry six plus Dumbles, Tonks and Remus, I would have gone positively spare and very probably done something very violent to her at her loud crunching of those lemon drops, as I suffer from misophonia and I particularly cannot bear loud or audible chewing sounds.
“let out a swear word”, not “let out a swear”. “Swear” is a verb, the act of saying “swear words” or the act of “swearing”.
Yay! for Remus’ reducto that decapitated that vile traitor Tweed.
alix33 chapter 3 . 5/17/2017
“dragon hide” should be two words.
I (because I own only one couch) am all of a sudden so jealous of Molly Weasley, who owns, with her husband and family, more than one couch.
“ninety-four galleons”, not “ninty four galleons”.
alix33 chapter 2 . 5/17/2017
“spring-cleaning” should be hyphenated.
“unfazed”, not “unphased”.
I LOVE your description of the library in Diagon Alley.
The very short note to Ron, compared to the very eloquent and much longer letter to the others in the ministry six, was very funny.
I LOVED Hermione’s mother’s recognising the knitting in the tower of knitted hats Dobby was wearing.
alix33 chapter 1 . 5/16/2017
Diagon Alley even having a magical library sounds…magical, even if each visit costs 30 galleons.
imnotraven16 chapter 6 . 5/15/2017
awesome chapter
randver chapter 5 . 7/22/2016
well now this is getting better and better. I LOVE the fact that Ron fireballed the skeletons and honestly it shouldn't take a genius to figure out that where ever they are emotions fuel their magic if Ron's fireball was anything to go by, he was angry and protective of his sister and that manifested in a very powerful and angry way. I always liked stories where Ron became some sort of fire mage.
Anyway Love the story please keep up the great work.
KissMiInk chapter 4 . 6/27/2016
omg this is a good story! I need more
Guest chapter 3 . 6/25/2016
This has a lot of potential. I hope you write more soon.
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