Reviews for Taming the unruly (REVISED)
Cottencandii chapter 27 . 10/10/2019
Omg! Great chapters
rizarda15 chapter 23 . 6/6/2019
Great chapter I can't wait to read more you don't get much black main characters in these stories it's nice have diversity for a change.
johappi chapter 20 . 1/22/2019
So... Yeah, it's been a while and it took me a while to catch up, you are writing quite long chapters, you know? I'm glad to see that you're doing well, quality reading as always. First I was glad that they are finally done with the drama and happily and enthusiastically married... Then this chapter and new drama! Poor Ana, can't you give her a break? Glad she stood up for herself here and that sesshy let her. She's right, him killing everyone won't help her popularity, in the end they kill her because she has vewitched him or something, that wouldn't do, let her earn her right!... Although, protective guarddog sesshy is kind of cute!

I hope med school is treating you alright, I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
Cottencandii chapter 18 . 9/28/2018
I love how this story is flowing, can’t wait for the next update
InuYaoi chapter 1 . 8/26/2018
Read the summary and the first sentence of the prologue and stopped to favorite and follow everything. Here for this unique premise for... Personal reasons.
cottencandii chapter 17 . 7/24/2018
Usually, I do not get into drama but this was very necessary. uwohali you must not understand good writing especially when dealing with topics so heavy as sexual abuse, I personally believe the author hit it very dead on. Talking about the anger, fear of relationships, not wanting to be touched, and especially repressing memories( which I believe was genius for the author to put Midiroko as the one to repress her memories since it helped tie the entity into the story) If she wants to give a shout out who CARES, that's her right. Authors who publish books do it all the time when they thank the people in there life. And my last point, it is one thing to give constructive criticism and its another thing to be just down ol' nasty and hateful. Your worst then being a troll, you're a Bergen( Trolls the movie reference if nobody caught that lol !)

To the author keep it up, there are people out there who love your story... AND DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO UNAPOLOGETICALLY... People going to talk about you anyways just give them something to talk about that they'll never forget!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20/2018
Wow I just stopped by to see if there was a new chapter and saw the latest review. I wanted to say I enjoy your story very much and I'm sure others do too. Don't let that review discourage you, you're doing great!
Talking about juvenile, unwohali, I actually think it's juvenile to lash out like this just because the author takes his story where you don't want it. If you can do it better do it but don't act like a child that didn't get it's way.
Nobody says one can't criticize, but please do so in a respectful manner and a constructive way! Don't go around saying this sucks because you were expecting something else and -I can't believe I have to say that on a fanfic for mature audience as someone stressed - don't be insulting. After all the authors also publish for our reading pleasure!
uwohali chapter 17 . 7/4/2018
A good build up but a Very Disappointing finish. I suppose my expectations were set Much too high. Since this is the revised the first must have been very terrible. All those annoying juvenile shout outs, for a mature story. All your readers are not teens or young adults. Just saying, if you do continue to write adult themes.
johappi chapter 17 . 6/20/2018
Aw thank you! It's nice to know the reviews are appreciated, you're very welcome.
As for this chapter: Finally! You have no idea how relieved I wass upon reading the last paragraph! Just the right thing to read on my way to work, day will turn out a lot better now...just so you know, you could have ruined it quite as easily ;p.
Maybe I'll check your editor's story on my way home!
Keep up the good work!
cottencandii chapter 17 . 6/12/2018
And she AWAKENS! I was worried for a second Sesshomaru would wake up to find Ana still dead. I wonder how she would feel when she finds out it wasn’t a dream but a reality. And I ready for Ana to truly heal, she could only do that by knowing EVERYTHING that happened to her... great story as always, patiently waiting on the next update
Cottencandii chapter 16 . 5/7/2018
I was so hurt but I’m glad this is not the end
johappi chapter 16 . 4/6/2018
You got me there, you demon... For a moment I was truly devastated.
I don't know what to say in this review because I don't want to spoil anything (just that after the end read to the author's note!), But I'll try (possible spoilers ahead):

In your note you mentioned you were insecure about how this chapter turned out, now I don't know what exactly you wanted to achieve with it so I don't know if it worked ;-p. I for one liked it, you gave it an immediate feel by switching to present tense and gave us and Sesshoumaru a window to Ana's tragic past (I assume?)
I'm amazed how you managed to capture Ana's development, her coping with the situation, her falling down and slowly climbing up again over the years in just one chapter without just saying that it happened like that. I think this experiment was worth it!
I loved the valentine's extra, although you do realize that chocolate is bad for dogs right? ;-)
johappi chapter 15 . 2/14/2018
What are you doing? There I thought I could finally relax and read some fluff, now that they are finally together and you go and to this?! How can you do that to me?
You better make that right next chapter, you hear me?
I won't even say anything positive I noticed this chapter, for that end you just don't deserve any praise...yes I'm mad.
Pink-Skiies chapter 15 . 1/21/2018
cottencandii chapter 15 . 1/8/2018
Oh no! I hope the last part was just a dream...

But anyways This is my favorite story I literally screamed when I saw you update, hopefully we get another update soon, keep it up
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