Reviews for Remnant
H20 Ferrum Dominus chapter 6 . 6/24
Oh damn this is a great story indeed. I'm quite disappointing in myself that I didn't discover this earlier, but better late than never right? I'm not really that familiar with the Dresden series but I will prevail with the power of Wikipedia and information bits!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/24
Well well well. This will certainly be an interesting read for me, considering that I'm not really familiar with the Dresden series. Binge reading ahoy!
Fullmetal11791 chapter 37 . 9/12/2019
You know, the books make sure to drive home time and time again that no matter how strong a wizard might be in combat, their real strength comes from preparation. Crafting potions to make them stronger or more resilient, using rituals to cause havok or kill from afar, learning about their enemies and the best way to exploit them. And Harry Dresden is a master of this, from summoning demons to learn about his foes to arming the Wild Fae with iron swords before a huge battle.

And yet here, Harry has had some of Cinder's hair for *days* and he's done absolutely nothing with it? Really? Cinder shouldn't have ever been an issue once they found out what an evil person she was. Just make a voodoo doll of her and be done with it.
Fullmetal11791 chapter 8 . 9/11/2019
Did.. did Pyrrah just give her *name* to grandmother Winter? Ohhh boy.
Zakara chapter 40 . 7/28/2019
You be fucked now Cinder. Not even Outsider Knights get away from Harry when he's like this.
GXY-2013 chapter 40 . 6/4/2019
I am hoping that Yang, Weiss and Blake will show up soon.
EmeraldGuardian7 chapter 40 . 3/22/2019
I love both these series but never really considered a crossover for them until reading this. The story is really good. Definitely one my favorite things I've read on here. That being said, I definitely feel like Dresden characters were nerfed quite often. I get huntsman are powerful but wizards are pretty powerful too, especially wardens. I feel like Emerald and Mercury should not have been as much trouble as they were. Cinder I do agree on being very powerful as a maiden but Molly is more than a match for her. Idk, it wasnt that bad, but I think the bad guys were just overpowered... especially the Grimm. Anyway, I did really enjoy reading the story though. It was very enjoyable. I hope you come back and finish it one day.
BbK2442 chapter 40 . 2/12/2019
It kinda feels like Molly got nerfed now. Granted, they were fighting in an airport with a lot of iron all around them, but it felt like Molly was just pointlessly drawing the fight out instead of just finished Cinder off, allowing Cinder to take advantage of Molly's weakness to iron like that. Didn't Molly get the memo that Cinder is basically a demigoddess by this point?
BbK2442 chapter 39 . 2/12/2019
Now I'm wondering why they didn't just kill Emerald. I mean, she did try to go after their wounded. Something like that just violates so many moral codes for so many factions, so wouldn't the other Wardens and Marcone's people be tempted to just execute her so that at least the enemy will think twice before going after the wounded?
BbK2442 chapter 34 . 2/11/2019
Yeah, given that Torchwick has proven that he will go after them anyway out of a mistaken belief of his own self-importance in the grand scheme of things, I think it's safe to say that he is now officially too dangerous to let live. If he didn't get the message the first time, I doubt he'll get the message a second time. It now would make the most sense to hunt him down and kill him just to keep him from taking yet another revenge attack on Harry Dresden's and Pyrrha's friends and family.
BbK2442 chapter 25 . 2/11/2019
Hmm, a nod to Misaka Mikoto's Iron Sand techniques here? If it is, I say well done, sire.

One thing about this fight though, aren't Mercury's legs metallic and robotic? Why didn't Pyrrha just use her Semblance to bend his legs out of shape, literally, to get an easy kill? It wouldn't have killed him (probably, if that was what Pyrrha was worried about) and it would've taken him pretty much out of the fight.
BbK2442 chapter 10 . 2/9/2019
Maybe the whole balls routine was Pyrrha unconsciously venting against Thomas for the almost accidental seduction earlier? I don't know, but it was unexpectedly hilarious. :)
Axccel chapter 40 . 7/15/2018
I don't get why Mercury is still alive. Harry has proven many times he has no problem killing even asshats and Mercury definitely counts. Even if he doesn't want to due to age or something, the other Wardens wouldn't hesitate in the slightest. Plus, dedicated one or more Wardens to guard him when they're already fighting hard and stretched thin would not be feasible. Basically, there is no way and no reason to keep Mercury alive and hold the defenses at the best available level, which is already weakening. Even if you ignore the fact he's surrounded by people who, in the novels, have consistently proven they are totally okay with killing their enemies.

Also, there is something you might be able to take advantage of to wipe that smug grin off Cinder once and for all. Let her nail Molly with the hot iron bar...only to learn the hard way that lore says COLD iron is harmful to fae. Sure, in the novels iron bullets work fine so hot iron clearly works, but you could fudge it for teh lulz. Or treat it as so hot (literally red hot) that it magically didn't count as iron anymore but as simply "hot metal".
sandrilenefatoren2 chapter 33 . 5/1/2018
OMG, Torchwick is ACTUALLY DEAD. I mean, his whole schtick is being a slippery bastard, but he is HOLDING MAGGIE HOSTAGE.
Bergholt Stuttley Johnson chapter 33 . 4/16/2018
And then Remnant was no more.
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