Reviews for My Special Star
Lucy H Lover chapter 30 . 2/16
As long as you still plan to update this story the wait is fine. This is a real good story and I have to see how it finishes!
AmaterasuX793 chapter 29 . 5/21/2019
Please update soon
This was one of the first fanfics I read, and I’ve really enjoyed it
Can’t wait to see what happened next :)
DragonSlayer400 chapter 29 . 1/25/2019
Great story! The italics throw me a little but I’m looking forward to your next update!
Lucy H Lover chapter 29 . 1/24/2019
So happy to see this update! Congrats on the teacher-training position and the good news about your heart!
Lucy H Lover chapter 28 . 6/8/2018
Lucy saying Natsu was her sweetheart was adorable even if she was just saying it to herself. Jude wanting to make something for Plue was a cute touch too.
Lucy H Lover chapter 27 . 4/9/2018
Great chapter! Little concerned how fast everything involving Crawford is going, seems suspicious. I wanna celebrate with Lucy that he is done for but I feel it isn’t that easy. Levy having her baby was definitely a cute moment. Can’t wait for the next chapter!
Lucy H Lover chapter 26 . 1/29/2018
Glad to see you back, I was just thinking it had been a while and then bam! Update! Glad to see some stuff go Lucy’s way this chapter. Also, loved that Natsu and Lucy were able to talk with each other after what feels like forever. I am curious to see if there is more to Crawford turning himself in or not. Hope the next chapter comes soon so I’m not in suspense for too long. Looking forward to more!
FTAnt chapter 25 . 9/9/2017
Just because a device is attached to you, doesn't make you broken. Amazing chapter as always, you have a special gift, so stay safe during the worst, and make the best out of what is to follow, so you can keep sharing this gift with people. Many thoughts and prayers for you and your family's safety. Stay strong and stay safe 3
girlinthesnow chapter 6 . 7/23/2017
Gray is soooooooooooo cute! he's the ideal lil bro. wish i had one like him but all i have are lil sisters and older siblings. sucks -v-
Lucy H Lover chapter 24 . 7/20/2017
Really looking forward to when Lucy and Natsu can reunite. Since Jude is portrayed in a positive light in this story I'm hoping he will be ok too. Looking forward to more! Keep it up!
ThatOneFriend-3 chapter 18 . 4/19/2017
I'm so happy that Lucy was the one to make the first move and kiss him!
And it broke my heart that they're not going to see each other for a while
Keep up the great work

p.s. I thought Lucy's dream was super funny,so is Jude
StellaHeartfilia chapter 17 . 4/4/2017
Updated so fast for being sick and you did a great job
StellaHeartfilia chapter 16 . 4/1/2017
I know the feeling but again I'm in tears such a sad and amazing chapter
StellaHeartfilia chapter 15 . 2/26/2017
Omg I'm crying for so many reasons one he finally said it and beautifully written and I thought this chapter couldn't get any better you dedicated it to me no-one has ever done that :)
StellaHeartfilia chapter 13 . 1/31/2017
It's beginning
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