Reviews for Professor Loki
SnarryForever124 chapter 3 . 7/14
I really hope it isn't abandoned, I would like to know what's going to happen next
Black-White123 chapter 3 . 4/23
Update please
N. A. Wennerholm chapter 3 . 11/4/2018
Interesting! Story Hope you update soon. And it has been eight months since the last update.

I read some of the other comments. I hope with this Loki is fully able to heal and see what kind of relationship Severus and Loki develop. Plus I also hope that something also develops between Harry and Loki nothing romantic but a friendship and maybe a mentorship. And since Loki and Harry share much in common with regards to their treatment while growing up and He can get the potions master to see the truth of Harry's childhood growing up with the Dursleys mental and Emotional Abuse along with whatever physical also such as their neglect to feed Harry properly resulting malnutrition and stunted growth. So that maybe he with Severus will go after Guardianship of Harry. Plus there is the Fact they both share the same Hair and Eye Color. Plus from what has been read Snape's father wasn't exactly the best father out there with drinking and being abusive as well. So hopefully the three males, in the end, can help each other heal mentally from what they each have been thrown. And Snape can get over what the feelings he has of James and not transfer them over To Harry. Because the boy has much of this mother Lily in him. Not just James.
Nastergal chapter 3 . 10/31/2018
And how would the God of Chaos react to a manipulative old mortal? This should be fun!
Meow chapter 3 . 9/6/2018
I loved Frigga for being the only one to ever truly take care of Loki. I hope Loki finds a better life in Hogwarts so that Odin and Thor will see what they did to poor Loki. Please update soon
Sleepyhallow01 chapter 1 . 9/6/2018
Can't wait for more
Obi chapter 3 . 7/27/2018
Perfectly lovely. Cant wait for more.
loya chapter 3 . 7/1/2018
i command you to write more
Guest chapter 3 . 5/26/2018
Pleeeeeeeeeease write more. This is fantastic. I love it! Awesome! Amazing! Fabulous! Write more! Please don't make Loki and Snape more than friends .
blackkyu chapter 3 . 5/25/2018
Nice idea!
SB chapter 3 . 4/11/2018
Great chapter!
Silvermane1 chapter 3 . 4/11/2018
Fantastic update
Guest chapter 2 . 3/5/2018
Hope you will keep going one day! Can't wait to see what happens when/if Harry arrives- poor thing has such a common background as loki! And can't wait to see what you have in store for snape/loki relationship no matter what that relation ends up being
snazzieshazzie chapter 2 . 1/12/2018
fantastic, I can't wait for more!
Aqua and Luna's dead account chapter 2 . 11/15/2017
I would so love another chapter of this fic. The first two chapters were amazing and I hope it updates. Severus and Loki are both very beloved characters by me and it'd be awesome to see more.
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