Reviews for The Beast and the Maiden
Firestar001 chapter 11 . 6/8
Nice Hellsing Abridged reference.
Also just had an idea. What if the reason Cole’s phone worked is because his battery is dead? And it just runs off the ‘static aura’ Cole has. So all Cole needs is a modified Scroll that has a ‘weak battery’ of sorts.
Firestar001 chapter 9 . 6/8
Dude this is amazing!
Firestar001 chapter 6 . 6/7
The comics actually say that Kessler was going to pay Cole 500 to open it up.
Firestar001 chapter 2 . 6/7
I got a crazy idea for my own InFamous story. It involves cole and kuo. But also includes Delsin and Fetch from 2nd Son. Team CLAD. (Cause Abigail is Fetch’s real name). Thinking of giving Fetch like a neon-glow-staff while not sure about Kip’s weapon.
G chapter 4 . 9/29/2019
This is interesting, but you ruined it by treating Aura as "HP". Dude, aura protects. Which means that unless it is depleted then huntsmen/huntresses won't be physically hurt, just exhausted.
OnePunchPlayer chapter 8 . 3/10/2019
At least Kessler fixed his/both of theirs through you Cole, his Past-Self.

But you Wasted it All by siding with the Very One he wanted to get Rid of from the very beginning... [Sighing In Disappointment]

I Reject all of that. Choosing to end it (But a ew beginning: I:SS) with the Good Karma. (At least the Good Karma in Infamous 2 ended it in canon, even though that Darned Evil Karmic ending was SPP's choice of ending if not for us playing it mostly on the 'Good'.)

Perhaps in another Fanfic This kind of InFamous and RWBY Crossover would have the same? Except Cole showing them his Good Karmic story, in both IF1 and IF2... [ Thoughts ]
OnePunchPlayer chapter 9 . 2/24/2019
You Scrap...You Chose The Evil Karma. [Shakes Head In Disappointment]
nicorbin23 chapter 16 . 2/5/2019
no no no you must continue please please god please this was such a great story please
JAYSEN chapter 16 . 9/25/2018
Ignore the plebians who flame this fic. I for one love it and would love to see more. You showed a side of Cole that few ever explore and did resoundingly well. I await your next chapter.
SouthernPunk216 chapter 16 . 8/19/2018
Please update, i love the story and would like to see it continued
Wacko12 chapter 13 . 4/4/2018
what happened to Cinder?
Wacko12 chapter 4 . 4/4/2018
so what happened to the Beast's Powers? Who stole it?
classifiedgamez chapter 16 . 2/15/2018
this story is fucking shit cole's not strong and is a little bitch and cinder is WAY to op now so this story can go fuck off it isn't even worth a peak at.
classifiedgamez chapter 14 . 2/15/2018
chasesmith4465 chapter 9 . 1/10/2018
The statement that says he can not get rest Eric energy from anything other than people who are around the race year is not entirely true for in the same Mission with draning from the storm we gave Rayfield energy from the storm
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