Reviews for Buried
Phary chapter 8 . 7/6/2017
dang it! I knew I shouldn't have started it with it's current situation... anyway... anxiously rooting for ya and this sequel!
anonmous chapter 8 . 7/2/2017
good story no ending really blegh
avionn0703 chapter 8 . 10/21/2016
please update soon, I really love these stories
Lushcoltrane chapter 8 . 10/10/2016
This won't end well...

Are the Old Ones Lovecraftian? I'm sure we'll find out soon.
Lushcoltrane chapter 7 . 10/10/2016
A fun day. Guess you can call it that...
ScottyBgood chapter 8 . 10/9/2016
That was an interesting twist or two. the Primordials, who everyone thinks may have been the first gods, and our little group has to go stop them. But can they trust Eris, once the plan is in tatters? Can they trust her, given the deal Jade has already made with her? And can they succeed, since no one gets out of the vault easily? And yet they have no choice. This could be bad, or maybe, just maybe, they'll find a trace of Trina that Eris missed corrupting her, slowly, giving our heroes a chance at survival? We can hope.
ScottyBgood chapter 7 . 10/9/2016
Hoping that jade somehow survives everything, or dies heroically so that Eris is denied her entertainment. But for now, they have her help, and who knows what she'll be able to tell them. But the cost, it's gonna be too much.
Lushcoltrane chapter 6 . 10/8/2016
The coming Big Bad - could it be one of the Old Ones?
Versace.In.My.Trap.House chapter 6 . 10/6/2016
My cute little babies :')
ScottyBgood chapter 6 . 10/6/2016
Sweet ending to the chapter. Of course Eris wants something. The hard part is going to be working their way through her many sidetracks and off the wall demands, dealing with the disruption she creates, and settling in on what price she will accept and the guardians are willing to pay, to stop this end of the world. And we need to remember, while Eris can be evil as hell, Chaos isn't necessarily evil, just random. But she wants something, and I suspect it's to not let whatever destroy this world before she gets her chance to play again.
ScottyBgood chapter 5 . 10/3/2016
Jade got tot talk to Eris without the threat of Shade. It was interesting, cause Eris knows whats going on, and I suspect she wants to tell someone., But she can't escape her nature, pushing Jade's buttons and playing with her mind. of course, we'll soon find out, with everyone getting that big shock just as soon as Eris decides to tell. Until then, Jade has to deal with the threat of being locked in cause she's not a light side being.
ScottyBgood chapter 4 . 10/3/2016
It has to be a trip, knowing they let something dark and dangerous into their midst. So what are the necromancers after, and what will stop that kind of power?

I feel for jade, making her know that she has a choice, be with the one she loves, and she'll be dragged into guardian business from time to time. Then to just pull the thing holding her there away, kinda rude.
Versace.In.My.Trap.House chapter 4 . 10/3/2016
lesipiratecat chapter 3 . 6/25/2016
Yay! a sequel! awesome! i love it so far. can't wait for more :)
Guest chapter 3 . 6/16/2016
Now i suspect the voices their hearing are the trapped souls of the people who've fallen to the dark spirits. But if thats the case, then who are these necromancers working for, and what kind of plot would require contacting the souls trapped inside the bodies of demons? I'm guessing I'm just projecting.

Jade's got to get a hold of her rage. It's making her vulnerable. I'm hoping they all come out of this experience stronger fr their troubles. Still, how many apocalyptic level events can happen to one person?
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